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Aria had been grappling with the idea for days. It was Anya's story, her manuscript, but it was too powerful to be left unseen. Despite Anya's refusal to publish it, Aria believed that the story needed to be shared with the world. That's why she found herself reaching out to Siddharth knowing that he has many connections and is the best person to help her out in this situation. 

"Sid," she texted him one evening, "Can we meet up? There's something important I need to discuss with you. It's about Anya."

They agreed to meet at a local coffee shop. As Aria walked in, she saw Sid at a corner table, engrossed in his phone. She took a deep breath and approached him. 

"Sid," she said, her voice steady and resolute. Sid looked up, surprise flickering in his eyes. 

"Aria, hey! What's up?" Aria took a seat " So it's about Anya, Sid, something she wrote a while back." 

Siddharth looked intrigued but also a bit puzzled. "Anya? And writing? I didn't know she wrote."

 "That's the thing, Sid. She does, and she's brilliant at it. I found a manuscript she wrote a few years ago, and it's... it's breathtaking," Aria confessed, her gaze unwavering.

Siddharth's surprise was evident. He took a moment to absorb Aria's words. "I'm sure it's good, Aria. But why are we discussing this?" Aria paused before diving into her request. 

"Because I believe it deserves to be published. But Anya won't let it. She thinks it's too raw, too personal. But her story, it's profound, Sid. It could help so many people. And I need your help."

He looked taken aback. "My help? How can I help, Aria?" Aria straightened, her eyes gleaming with determination. 

"I need your help to find a publisher, Sid. A publisher who would appreciate Anya's story as much as we do and would help us share it with the world." Siddharth was silent for a moment, considering Aria's words. 

After a moment, he nodded. "Alright, Aria. I see your point. I will help you."

Aria smiled, relief washing over her. "Thank you, Sid. I know it's a lot to ask. I really believe in this, and I know you do too." Siddharth returned her smile, his eyes reflecting the same determination. 

"I do, Aria. Let's do this. Let's help Anya share her beautiful story with the world." 

With a sense of renewed hope illuminating her features, Aria made her way towards the counter of the quaint coffee shop, her mind buzzing with the prospect of the journey ahead. The smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the heady scent of baked goods, a sensory reminder of the many discussions and brainstorming sessions that had taken place within these familiar walls.

Aria picked up their freshly brewed coffees from the counter and returned to the table. It was a small but significant victory, a promising start to their shared mission. As they sipped on their coffee, lost in a comfortable conversation, Aria couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration for the journey that lay ahead. With Siddharth's help and their collective effort, they might finally be able to share Anya's beautiful, heart-rendering story with the world.


I woke up to a empty house, Aria had told me last night that she was meeting up with one of her colleagues. I was a little bit suspicious because who meets a colleague at 10am on a saturday. Nevertheless I let it be, I had no plans for today since I didn't need to go into work today. 

Since the cancellation of my plans to go to work left me bored, I decided to do something I hadn't done in a while - play my guitar. 

 As I settled into the quiet solitude of my room, I reached for my old guitar. Its worn wooden body, a comforting weight in my hands, was familiar. I sank onto the plush carpet, the guitar cradled in my lap. Taking a deep breath, I began to strum the strings, filling the air with a soft melody. Each note was a reflection of my emotions, the music soothing my troubled thoughts. My fingers danced over the strings, the chords flowing naturally from years of practice.

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