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Aria, having discovered my book a few weeks ago, has since taken on the role of its biggest advocate, gently suggesting the idea of publishing it. In response, I've held my ground, hesitant to entertain the thought. 

"Aria," I'd explain each time she broached the subject, "I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I can't." 

"But Anya," she'd counter, her eyes brimming with conviction and respect, "your writing is remarkable. It's authentic, it's poignant. It deserves to be It could help so many other people out there who are in a similar situation as yours" 

"I understand, Aria," I'd respond, my voice steady, "but the story is deeply personal. It's not just a narrative, it's my life, my emotions. I'm not ready to bare it all for everyone to see." 

Despite my constant reluctance, Aria remained supportive and persistent. She believed in the power of my story, not to exploit my feelings, but to share a story she felt could resonate with many. However, I wasn't prepared yet to open that part of me to the world. So, I stuck to my decision, with Aria respecting it, while also nurturing a hope that someday, I might change my mind.

Days went by and life continued its usual course. Work was demanding, and Aria's nudges were relentless yet gentle. It was during one such regular evening when I stumbled upon an familliar scene. 

One evening, after a particularly challenging day at work, I came home to find a familiar scene unfolding in my living room. Siddharth and Aria were in the middle of an intense game of Scrabble, their brows furrowed in concentration, a playful dispute brewing over a word Aria had just formed.

 Siddharth and I share a friendship that had a humble beginning. Being family friends, we knew each other from a young age, but both of us being introverts, we barely exchanged words. However, as we grew older, we discovered similarities between us - a shared love for quiet spaces, a mutual understanding of solitude, and a complementary sense of humor. Our friends would often tease us, saying we were 'the same people in different fonts'. This bond, which had silently strengthened over the years, blossomed into an unshakable friendship. Today, Siddharth is one of the closest people in my life, second only to Aria and my family.

"AVADAVAT is totally a word" Sidd looked flabbergasted at aria's word. 

"Anya, finally!" Sid exclaimed, looking up from the game board with a wide grin. 

"Come join us. We need a judge to settle our word disputes." I couldn't help but laugh at their seriousness. 

"Alright, let me just freshen up. But remember, I won't be taking sides." As I make my way into my room, I notice something amiss. 

The worn-out, leather-bound book, sits slightly askew in a different spot than its usual corner. A frown tugs at my lips, my mind retracing the steps from the morning. I had been in a rush, my morning unusually chaotic. However I distinctly remember leaving the book tucked safely in its usual spot, away from prying eyes. Shrugging off the confusion, I extend my hand, my fingers brushing against the cool leather of the book. 

I must have moved it while cleaning my room in a hurried attempt to find my misplaced notes earlier. Not thinking much of it, I place the book back to its usual spot and proceed with my usual evening routine. As the evening progressed, the tension of the workday slowly dissipated. We spent hours engrossed in the game, occasionally breaking into fits of laughter over made-up words and playful accusations of cheating. When we weren't arguing over Scrabble, we were reminiscing about our shared past, recalling embarrassing childhood incidents, and discussing everything from movies to office gossip. That day I went to sleep with a content feeling knowing that I was satisfied with my life.

The next few weeks were hectic as I transitioned from working full time to going back to law school as winter break was over and working part time. It was a busy time for the firm and it left me with minimal time to rest and I was exhausted at the end of every day. Today it was one of those rare days where I had a day off from work and no school work to catch up on. Aria was at work while I was nestled into the comforting embrace of the couch scrolling on my phone. My phone buzzed, shattering the stillness. I picked it up, my eyes lighting up at the sight of Rohan's name on the screen. 

Rohan was a family friend who I had grown close to on a vacation our families had taken together, apart from aria he was the only one who knew about my feelings for Ishaan. Despite the passage of time and the distance between us, our friendship had always remained strong.

"Hey Rohan," I answered, my voice brimming with genuine happiness at hearing from him. 

"Anya! How have you been?" he asked, his tone warm, as if we were sitting across from each other sharing a cup of coffee rather than apart. 

"I'm doing well. Work has been keeping me on my toes. How have you been?" I asked, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. He chuckled lightly, a sound I found comfortingly familiar.

 "Well, the grind never stops, does it?" As we fell into our easy rhythm of conversation, it felt as if no time had passed since our last interaction. 

Our friendship was just like that - unassuming, yet always present. We didn't need to talk every day, but when we did, it was as if we picked up right where we left off. As our chat meandered through catch-ups and shared memories, Rohan's tone turned serious. 

"Anya, I heard about Ishaan coming back." His words struck me like a bolt of lightning. I swallowed hard, trying to keep my voice steady. 

"Yeah my mom told me about it a few weeks ago." 

"I just wanted to check on you," he said, his voice imbued with concern.

" I know you have moved on but some feelings are hard to set aside and hearing about his sudden return I thought you might need someone to talk to."

 For a moment, I was silent, touched by Rohan's thoughtfulness but not surprised, Rohan had always been the most compassionate of us all.

 "Thank you," I finally managed to say, my voice thick with emotion. 

"it means a lot to me but don't worry I am okay he doesn't affect me anymore." 

"I am glad to hear that" he breathed out on the other side of the phone. After talking for a few more minutes we ended the call.

After my conversation with Rohan, I found myself reminiscing about the past specifically the trip to Mexico.

 The trip was filled with laughter, exploring new landscapes and cultures, and countless beach games and excursions. It was on that trip that I had realized the depth of my feelings for Ishaan and I still remembered that moment vividly. It was the second night of the trip and the older kids decided to gather on the beach after dinner. We sat in a loose circle, sharing stories and engaging in deep conversations about life, dreams, and fears. 

Amidst the group, I found myself seated next to Ishaan. As the evening progressed, our conversation flowed effortlessly. We chatted about various things, shared memories, and discussed our future aspirations. Amidst the profound talks and the laughter, I found myself drawn to his words, his laughter, his thoughts. As the night grew colder, Ishaan, in his usual thoughtful manner, offered me his jacket. 

It was a simple gesture, something he had done many times before. But for me, it was a moment of sudden realization. His casual act of kindness warmed more than just my body; it warmed my heart, evoking a feeling I'd never associated with Ishaan before. As the night deepened, I found myself observing him more closely - his thoughtful demeanor during our discussions, his easygoing nature, and his attentive listening. I realized then that my feelings for Ishaan were more than just those of a childhood friend. 

It wasn't a fleeting crush, but a deeper affection that had been quietly growing over the years. This realization, was both exhilarating and terrifying. So, that night, as I lay in bed, I decided to confide in Rohan about my feelings for Ishaan knowing that he'd be able to give me advice. I smiled remembering his shocked yet joyful reaction, rohan had always wanted me to confess my feelings for ishaan but I never had the courage to risk our friendship. As these memories resurfaced, I felt a mix of nostalgia and longing.


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