Grey finds a little girl

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The next morning
wades alarm went of,
Wade woke up with Little Lucy lying on him she was still fast asleep, Wade smiled and soon Luna woke up, Luna looked over at Wade and smiled at him,
"She looks so peaceful," Luna spoke looking at Lucy,
"I know I was thinking of taking her to the station with me today, what do you think?" Wade asked
"Yeah if that's okay, I have to go to an appointment" Luna spoke,
"Okay I am going to go and get ready then" wade said moving Lucy of him trying not to wake her up,
Wade successful did so, he walked into the bathroom and got ready, He came back out to Luna tickling Lucy and Lucy giggling, Wade smiled at this. He walked to his closet and got some clothes out, He got surprised by Lucy hugging his leg, "hey little one" Wade spoke while turning around and picking her up, Luna got out of bed and went to were Lucy's clothes were that she bought yesterday,
She picked Lucy up of Wade and started to get her dressed, Wade finished getting dressed then went to Make breakfast while Luna was helping Lucy,
"Babe! Breakfast is ready!" Wade shouted,
"Okay thanks" Luna shouted back,
Luna Picked Lucy up and Carried her into the kitchen when they made it Lucy wanted to be put down so Luna put her down then Lucy ran upto Wade and he catches her and chucked her up in the air Lucy was laughing Wade caught her and then Lucy said "again again" Wade did it again and Lucy was laughing, Wade sat Lucy down then they gave her a waffle to eat and some milk, and then grabbed some for themselves.
After they were all finished Wade grabbed his bag and then a small Bag for Lucy with some stuff In it, He went over to Luna kissed her then Luna kissed Lucy on the head and said "bye sweetheart" and waved Lucy and Wade goodbye,
Wade put his bags in the trunk and then put Lucy in the car seat her set up, her got in the other side and put the radio on and Lucy started to sing, wade was listening to her then joined in. They soon arrived at the station, Wade walked in with Lucy on his hip and the bags in the other hand, he walked straight to The Sargent's office,
"Hey sarg" Wade said,
"Hi what can I do for you?" The sarg asked,
"Well yesterday I was driving home and then I saw a little girl on the side of the road and took her to the hospital, she has no family to take her upto now, And the doc asked me to look after her and Luna is busy so I brought her with me, so I was going to ask if she could stay here at the station while I am on duty, and some one looks after her, if that's okay?" Wade asked,
"Of course, Is this her?" The Sargent said kneeling down Infront of Lucy and Lucy looked at him and smiled,
"Hi my name is Lucy" Lucy told the Sargent while holding her hand out for him to shake it, the Sargent did and said "my name is Sargent Bob I and the boss of Wade, I will look after her" Sargent Bob said to Wade,
"Thank U" wade said,
"Okay you should go get ready and I am going to Take Miss Chen to get some sweets" The Sargent said taking Lucy's hand and Walking to the Break-room, Wade went of to his shift.
*With Lucy*
They walk into the break room and Smitty is there,
"Who's that sarg?" Smitty asks,
"This is Lucy Chen" Sarg tells him, Smitty comes over to Lucy and kneels down Infront of her and whispers in her ear, "you better not steal my Sweets" Sarg came back over and Lucy looked up at him and he gave her some sweets, Lucy takes them and says "thank U" with a big smile on her face, Sarge takes Lucy back to his office and gives her toys to play with,
*A few hours later*
A man comes storming in and says" a man just killed my wife" With an angry tone in his voice, the Sargent runs out of his room which catches Lucy's attention Lucy stands up and starts to Follow them,
"Sir what's wrong?" Sarge bob asks
"A old man killed my wife!!" The man says again,
"Can you tell us a description of this man pls" a officer asks,
"Erm he is short, has a very long beard, he was wearing a black hoodie, some jeans, white sneakers, and he lives on ************" the man says
Lucy walks upto the Sargent and pulls on his pants,
The Sargent looks down at her and she says "that's Mr Johnson"
"Who?" The Sargent asks,
"He lived across from me and his wife died a few weeks ago and is blaming everyone for it, his name is Mr Oliver Johnson" Lucy said,
"You smart girl" The Sargent says, while an officer runs to check him out.
Later on that day they arrest him for murder because he Murdered his wife, they were bringing him Through the station and He saw Lucy sat on a chair, "LUCY!!!" He screams,
Lucy looked at him and Waved,
"HEY LITTLE ONE!!" he screamed back, Lucy runs after him and hugs his leg "little one we need to take him away" an officer says, Lucy looks up
At him and he says "officer West"
Lucy nodds and she follows him to the interrogation room, Officer West (not Jackson his dad) turns around and sees Lucy sat outside of his room, he walks upto her and says "one day you will make a brilliant detective little one" Lucy smiles, "name is Lucy Chen" Lucy says putting her hand out,
"Percy West" Percy said shaking Lucy's hand, Percy picks Lucy up and carried her back to Sargent's office,
"Were did you run of to?" Sarge bob asks
"She was helping me out" Percy says, and winks at Lucy,
"Okay thank you" Sarg bob says, Percy puts Lucy down on the sofa in his office,
"Bye Lucy" Percy said waving at Lucy
'bye bye Percy" Lucy said smiling and waving back at him,
Percy was walking out because it was end of shift and saw Wade walking out of the changing rooms, he stops him and says, "that kid is going to make a brilliant Detective one day"
"Who Lucy?" Wade asks,
"Yeah Lucy"Percy says,
"Why what did she do she's four?" wade asked,
"She helped us solve a murder case" Percy says,
"Why what happened?" Wade asks,
"Well a man comes storming in and Was saying someone murdered his wife and Lucy Chen helped us solve the case and told us the man and what has happened to him to make him do this" Percy says tapping wade on the shoulder and then walking to get changed, Wade smiled to himself, and walked of to go get Lucy,
He walks in and sarge says "the little hero helped us solve a case"
"Yeah I heard" Wade said smiling,
"She is going to make a Great detective one day, and I think anyone will be proud to have her in there command" Sarge bob says,
"I will keep that noted thank U sarge" Wade says looking at Lucy who was asleep on the sofa tucked in with a blanket and had her Teddy tucked in with her wade picked Lucy up and took her home, on the way he grabbed take out and took that home, He woke Lucy up and they ate and gave her a bath and got her Pyjamas on and read her a book before tucking her in and soon getting in with her,

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