Grey finds a little girl

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Lucy was in there for 2 years she is now 19 years old, She was being Released Tomorrow, Luna and Wade got a message and they told Tim she was being Released,
"Hey son Lucy is being Released tomorrow if you want to come with us too meet her?" Wade asked through the phone,
"Yeah pls" Tim said,
"Okay see you tomorrow son" Wade said and hung up the phone,
*The next day*
Wade, Luna, Dominique and Tim were waiting for her to be released they were stood a bit away from the door, Tim was passing back and forth,
Dominique was in Lunas arms and wade was stood next to them and Tim Infront of them, Lucy didn't know they were stood out there the People wanted it to be a surprise for her,
She got released and there was one door in the way of her and them,
The doctor opened the door and there stood Tim and the rest of her family,
She stood there and was smiling, Tim started to walk upto her and Lucy was walking upto Tim, they met in the middle and Tim went straight in for a hug, he picked her up while hugging her, "I am so proud of you Lucy, Iam so proud" Tim said to Lucy, they stood there hugging and Luna and Wade just watched,
Tim soon put her down and turned her to were stood Luna Wade and Dominique,
Dominique fought Luna's arms and jumped down, and Ran upto Lucy she ran shouting,
Lucy picked her up as she was running towards her,
"Hey little nugget" Lucy said Tim was stood behind Lucy while she hugged Dominique, he was smiling at them,
"I got new ponies I want you to see them" Dominique said happily,
"Okay nugget" Lucy said endurancing the moment,
Lucy put Dominique down and Wade and Luna walked upto her and hugged her,
"We're so proud of you hunny" Luna said putting her hand on Lucy's cheek and rubbing it, Lucy rested her cheek on Luna's hand and was smiling,
They hugged and Soon walked out of the hospital, Lucy was stood with Dominique on her hip and Tim stood next to her as Luna and Wade walked behind them,
"So has Ang got the job yet or do I still have time?" Lucy jokeily asked Tim,
"Nope she is still on Patrol, so you still have time but we have a new Rookie who wants to be a detective too, her Name is Talia Bishop" Tim replied smiling down at Lucy,
She looked up at him and smiled,
They got to the car and Lucy put Dominique in her car seat and got in next to Tim. Luna and Wade got in the front and started to drive, Tim had his hand on Lucy's thigh without realising, Lucy didn't realise either,
Dominique Did though,
"Hey TIMMY get your hand of my sissy thigh"Dominique said angry,
"Sorry Squirt, I didn't even realise"Tim said looking at Dominique who had her Arms folded,
They went out to dinner to celebrate Lucy, they drove home and played board games,
It was getting late and Dominique was in bed Luna and Wade were tired and so was Lucy and Tim,
"Hey son it's late just sleep over" Wade said,
"No it's fine" Tim said,
"No I am sure Lucy wouldn't mind some company" Wade said smiling and walking after Luna,
Tim looked at Lucy who was looking at him,
"You okay with that?" Tim asked,
"Yeah, you can sleep with me if you want, I don't mind" Lucy said walking slowly to her room,
Tim followed her saying
They went Into Lucy's room where there was a tone of photos and pictures of Her and Wade, Luna, Tim, and Dominique, Lucy smiled as she walked to her new closet and got some pjs out and some boy ones for Tim, (wade and Luna re-decorates Lucy's room to something she liked and got her a tone of new clothes and some stuff for Tim)
Lucy chucked Tim some shorts and a shirt, "thanks but if you know me I don't were a shirt to bed" Tim said chucking the shirt back at her,
Lucy smiled and giggled as it landed over her face and she couldn't see anything, she took the shirt of her face and Tim was stood in front of her, laughing, Lucy was laughing with him, Lucy got her PJ's and went into the bathroom and got changed, she walked out and saw Tim getting the bed ready with no shirt on, she smiled to her self, Tim saw her and smiled,
"You ready for bed?" Tim asked,
"Yeah thanks" Lucy replied walking over to the bed and getting in,
Tim was walking to go and make himself a cup of tea and turned around to ask her,
"Do you want a cup of tea?",
"Yeah pls" Lucy asked,
"One sugar?" Tim asked,
"You know me so well" Lucy said, Tim walked out smiling to himself and made them a cup of tea each,
He walked back in and gave Lucy her cup of tea, he got into bed and they watched a show, Lucy fell asleep during the show. Tim looked at her and thought to himself "she looks so cute sleeping"
He tucked her in and kissed the top of her head because she was facing him and he faced her and was admiring her before falling asleep,
Lucy was panicking and having a bad dream, Tim woke up and saw Lucy having a bad dream he started to shake her and was saying,
"Lucy you needs to wake up, it's just a bad dream, you need to wake up"
Lucy shot up and started to cry, Tim pulled her into a hug and layed her down on his chest while hugging her,
He was saying comforting words to her and was stroking her head to keep her calm, she soon fell asleep again,
Tim didn't stop stroking her head and hugging her, he fell asleep with her on his chest and his hand on her head.
*2 years  later*
*Lucy and John never dated*
Lucy is starting out as a rookie
Nobody in the station knows Wade is Lucy's dad, except Tim, Suzies Sarah
and Percy,
Lucy walked in the station with Jackson and John. Lucy was really Nervous about Starting out,
They all walked to the Changing rooms, When Lucy walked in she saw Angela and Talia,
"Hey Bubba," Ang said smiling, Lucy and Ang had became Close after everything that happend, Ang understand what Lucy was going through because she also went through that when she was young,
"Hey" Lucy said, Ang kisses Lucy on the head and was walking away with Talia,
"Hey Ang" Lucy said remembering something,
"Yeah?" Ang said turning around now looking at Lucy,
"Can't believe your still detective" Lucy said giggling to her self,
"You cheeky Bugger" Ang said Jokingly and walked upto Lucy and Started to tickle her, Lucy was dieing of laughter and Talia just stood there Smiling at her best friend and Lucy,
Ang then hugged Lucy and said
"Well it's good to have you back" And Ang walked off with Talia.
Lucy got changed and soon met up outside with John and Jackson, they all walked to Roll-Call together but Lucy never told them about how she worked there before they became rookies so as they were walking in (they were the last ones in)
Everyone started to Clap, John thought they were clapping at him and said "thank U thank U" will looking at them with a smile,
"No idiot it's for Lucy not you" Wade said laughing at John,
"Wait why Lucy?" John said while they say down,
"Nice to have you back Officer Chen" Wade said smiling at his daughter because he was so proud of her,
"Wait did I miss a Chapter or something?" John asked looking around the room,
"No officer Chen here, worked here since she was young she helped the Detectives out everyday when she was 4-7 and then had to go to school but sometimes she would stay here instead, and she had some personal things going on so stopped coming and now she aced the Exam and Is working her way up" Wade said smiling,
"Okay" John said slowly and had a shocked face looking at Lucy,
They went on with roll call and got assigned there TOs,
"So  Chen I know you want Officer Lopez but You get Officer Bradford and West you get Lopez and John you get Officer Bishop, alright be safe out there and go find some crime" wade said and everyone got up,
"Boot go get out gear" Tim said smirking at Lucy,
"Tim why???" Lucy said getting annoyed but had a smile on her face,
Tim loved when she did her little angry stomp he thought it was so cute,
"Go on boot I don't want to tell you a third Time" Tim said still laughing at Lucy,
Lucy stomped of and hit Tim playfully on the arm as she walked of,
She met up with John and Jackson while grabbing the War bags,
"You never told us about your past?"
Jackson said,
"We'll go ask your dad about me" Lucy said walking of smiling at them,
It went as normal on the show but Lucy knew where she was when tim did the Tim test,
*Dispatch g*n shots at *******,*
"Copy that" Lucy said through the Walkie talkie thingy,
They arrived and the men started to shoot at them one shot Tim and......

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