Grey finds a little girl

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Tim got shot and Lucy started to panick
"TIM" Lucy screamed with panick,
She kept shooting at them then hid behind the Shop and Soon went to tim and dragged him behind the shop, "shoot back Luce" Tim said holding his abdominal,
"Seven-adam-19 officer down send RA" Lucy screamed through the Radio she then got her G*n out and was shooting them she shot one of them then was trying to shoot the other one, The RA arrived but the people were shooting at them so they pulled up around the corner, John and Bishop were far away and so we're Angela and Jackson, Lucy was there only hope to save Tim, She was shooting at him and he kept hiding behind the Car,
"Well I am not doing that" The guy said,
While he was distracted Lucy was sneaking up towards the front of the car, she was risking her life to save Tim's, she got to the front of the car and was heading around to the side of the car and successfully did,
She was waiting for him to move but he didn't, she snuck further forward and took her body cam and put it on the floor where you could see everything, she saw him turning to the left and she was on the right,
She grabbed her body cam and put it back on, she then snuck up behind him and put a G*n to his head,
"Stand up slowly and drop your weapons" Lucy said, he did as she said and Lucy arrested him and the other guy,
"Okay RA it's clear code 4" Lucy said,
She put one of the men in an ambulance and a officer went with him and the other one got taken away in a shop to the station,
Lucy drove the Shop back to the station and Ended her shift, Tim was in the hospital so Lucy was going to go see him,
"Hey Luce" Ang said from behind her as she was walking out the station,
Lucy turned around and saw Ang
"Hey" Lucy said giving Ang a hug,
"Well done for today that was brave of you" Ang said while still hugging Ang, they pulled away and Lucy replied, " Thanks but all I could think about was Tim bleeding out, and I didn't want that so I risked my life to save his, anyways I am going to go see him, the doctors phoned me saying he is out of surgery and was asking for me, want to come?" Lucy asked,
"No thanks you go be with Tim, tell him I will visit tomorrow" Ang said walking to her Car,
"Bye" Lucy said waving bye to Ang,
She got into her car and drove to the hospital,
"Tim....." Lucy was going to say but got interrupted by the receptionist saying "room 201"
"Thanks" Lucy said walking to Tim's room with some food for him, and it was his favourite, she walked in to see Tim fighting the doctor because he was coming out of anesthesia,
The doctor saw Lucy walking in and then left,
Lucy put the food on the cabinet and sat in the chair next to Tim,
She held his hand and said
"Tim it's me Lucy how are U?"
"LUCY" Tim screamed and the whole
Hospital heard it, Lucy put her hand on Tim's mouth and said,
"Tim we can't shout right now okay we're in a hospital you can shout when we get outside okay?" Lucy said,
"Okay Lulu" Tim siad smiling but still coming out of the anesthesia,
Tim soon fell asleep while Lucy was stroking the inside of his Palm because Tim always fell asleep when she did it, Tim was fast asleep and Lucy was looking at him,
The doctor came in and checked Tim's vital, all of this reminded her of when she was here and then got sent away to the mental health ward, she was panicking but didn't want to show it so she just sat there zoned out and her forehead was sweating, soon Tim woke up slightly and saw Lucy sweating and zoned out,
"Luce" Tim said trying to get her attention, it didn't work,
"LUCE" Tim said again and she came out the trans,
"Sorry what did you say?" Lucy asked
"You okay?" Tim asked still half asleep,
"Yeah fine" Lucy said,
"You know you can go home" Tim said,
"No it's fine don't worry" Lucy said,
"Okay we'll come here then"
Tim said patting the space next to him,
Lucy then stood up and kicked her shoes of and climbed in next to Tim,
She laid her head on Tim's chest and he fell asleep stroking her head, Lucy was still awake and stressing about everything,
She soon fell asleep to the comfort of Tim being there, the nurses were in and out changing Tim's IV and  blood Bag because he lost alot of blood,
The morning sun came up and shined through the curtains right onto Tim's Face, the morning birds were chirping and singing to each other, (in bird form)
Lucy was snuggled upto Tim and Tim had his arm around her,
They Were sleeping peacefully Until......

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