Grey finds a little girl

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Warning ⚠️ Sh and blood,
*A few months later*
It's mid November, it was a cold and chilly morning, Lucy wakes up from The light shining through her curtains, She sits up and rubs her eyes, she stretches and finally gets up from her bed and Opens her curtains it was Snowing, Lucy hated when it snowed because it reminded her of when she was little, she closes her curtains and Sighs. Soon she goes to her closet and gets her clothes out, she takes a Shower and gets dressed,Luna shouts her down for breakfast, she grabs her school bag and goes downstairs,
"Morning Luce" Luna says putting a plate of pancakes on a placemat for Lucy to eat,
"I made your favourite!" Luna said looking at Lucy,
"I'm not hungry but thank U, I am going to go see ya later" Lucy spoke while quickly putting her shoes on and rushing out the front door,
"Wai...." Luna tried to speak to her but she was already gone. She sat down at the dining table, soon Wade came down,
"Morning beautiful, and morning princess, wait were's Luce?" Wade questioned confused, "what have I told her about sleeping in" Wade said angry,
"No she left about 20 minutes ago" Luna said,
"But school doesn't start for another hour" Wade said confused,
"I know and she didn't want pancakes which may I add are her favourite" Luna said, Wade came over to Luna and sat next to her, "hasn't she been acting weird for the past few months" Luna said realising that Lucy hasn't been eating, "I haven't seen her eat a proper meal for a good while but I have been at work so I wouldn't know" Wade said,
"Neither she says she Ate at school or at a friend's house and if she does take the food she runs upto her room with it"Luna spoke looking at Dominique, "do you think it's because our attention has been on Dominique since she was born?" Luna asks,
"Sorry I have to go but stop by work today and we can talk more then" Wade said standing up and Kissing them both on the head and rushing out the door
*With Lucy*
She rushed out the house and is walking to school she stops because she sees Tin stood in a coffee shop, she decided to go talk to him,
"Hey Luce" Tim said friendly,
"Hey how's life?" Lucy asked curiously,
"Good U?" Tim asked ordering his coffee,
"Want one?" Tim asks Lucy,
"No thanks" Lucy says,
"How's your girlfriend?" Lucy asks,
"Good she is at home asleep right now it's her day off" Tim says grabbing his coffee and facing Lucy,
"Lucky, I wish I had a day of school" Lucy says Sighing,
"Why don't you ask your parents to come to the station I think the detectives have a homicide case that they can't figure out" Tim suggests,
"No I ran out on them this morning, and I have to go to school they won't let me take another day off" Lucy says with her head down looking at her hands which she was figiting with,
"Why how many days have you took off?" Tim asks,
"Two I think" Lucy says still looking at her hands,
"That's not a lot" Tim says feeling bad,
"I know but still, I better go, nice catching up with U" Lucy says standing up,
"Luce you walking to school?" Tim asks,
"Yeah why?" Lucy says looking back at him,
"Because you hate the snow how about I give you a lift?" Tim suggested
"If you don't mind" Lucy says,
"Yeah of course" Tim says, they both walk out and get in Tim's car, they are both chatting, when they arrive at the school, Lucy gets out of the car and waves bye to Tim
"Bye Luce" Tim said waving,
"Bye" Lucy says and starts to walk into school, Tim watches her as she walks into school,
"Hey B!tch, who's that-that just dropped you off?" A mean girl said,
"He is just a friend why!" Lucy asks,
"Because he is hot are U dating him?" The mean girl asked,
"No why he is 23 why would I be dating him? Anyways he has a girlfriend" Lucy says and starts to walk off,
"Hey B!tch I wasn't done talking to you" the mean girl said,
Lucy turns around and looks at her and sighs,
"Don't sigh at me you F@t ugly B!tch no wonder her parents left her on the streets" The mean girl said,
Lucy just nodded and said "you done yet?"
"No....." The mean girl said,
*In class*
Lucy walks in and sits down, a tear drops from her eye but she quickly wipes it away,
*After school*
She starts to walk until a girl shouts her name,
"Lucy!" A girl said from behind her,
Lucy turns around and sees it is the mean girls,
She turns around to walk away, but a girl pulls her hair,
She starts to call Lucy mean names and is saying kill yourself already, your fucking fat, no wonder your parents ditched you, your such a disappointment, and more, when they were finished, she ran out of school with her hood up and her hands in her pockets, she walks home, when she gets home she unlocks the door and runs upto her room, she lays flat on her stomach on her bed until there was a knock at the door she stands up and walks downstairs to the front door she checks out the peep hole first and it was Her best friend she opens the door,
"Hey you want to hang out?" She asks,
"Yeah sure let me go grab the key and money" she says then runs upstairs to her room and grabs her money and keys, she runs back downstairs and locks the door and goes out with her friend,
*With Wade and Luna*
Wade arrives at the station and does paperwork until Luna comes around with Dominique in her pram,
"You busy?" Luna asks walking into Wades office,
"No" Wade says,
"Okay I want to talk to you about Lucy" Luna says but Tim over hears,
"Okay she been okay?" wade asks,
"No while I don't know" Luna says
"Have you asked her?" Wade asks,
"No why would I, she knows she can tell me anything" Luna says,
"Okay so why you worrying about her? Is it because we haven't seen her eat a proper meal?" Wade asks,
"Yeah because it's just so weird" Luna says
"How about I get one of the rookies to asks her because she is best mates with them?" Wade suggests
"Yeah thank U" Luna says getting up with Dominique and walking out of Wades office,
*With Tim* he over hears the conversation, and Rings Lucy, she didn't answer, Tim knew that Lucy could handle herself if she was in danger but for some reason tim still was worried about her, he went upto Suzie and said "has Lucy been eating?"
"I don't know, last time I saw her she was looking pretty unwell and she was alot skinner than usual, why has something happened to her?" Suzie said worried,
"No I don't think so but she apparently hasn't been eating at home well that's what I over heard" Tim said,
"Okay I will keep an eye out" Suzie said,
"Okay thanks" tim Said and walked away,
*With Lucy*
Later on she got home around 7:30pm,
"Luce have you eaten?" wade said,
"Yeah, my friend took me to McDonalds for tea she payed" Lucy said smiling, Wade believed her but it wasn't true,
"Okay love U" wade said,
"Love U too" Lucy replied and ran up to her room,
She sat on her bed looking at her wrists and All of the comments people were saying before were coming back to her, she shed a little tear but then wiped it and walked into her bathroom, she sat on her toilet and pulled her sleeve up and was looking at her wrists again, she saw a shiny thing in the corner of her eye, she looked over properly and saw her bl@d£, she decided to turn music on so if one of them came up then they would think she was in the shower because she always played music when she was in the shower,
She out music on and picked up the bl@d£, and was holding it up against her wrist, she was second guessing herself but she did one cut the blood dripped onto the floor then it turned into two then another few drops soon it turned into three there were drops of blood all over the floor finally she  thought to stop so she could do it even more, she sat there with blood coming out her wrists and she felt all the bad thoughts disappear she was happy,
She put a bandage on her cuts then cleaned the floor up and stopped the music and walked out her bathroom she grabbed her fluffy blanket of the end of her bed and pulled it on top of herself and snuggled into it soon she fell asleep Relaxed and not over thinking.
*With Wade and Luna*
"Do you actually think she is eating?" Luna asked
"I don't know anymore" wade said putting his head in his hands,
Dominique was eating her tea and was giggling, Wade lifted his head out of his hands and looked at Dominique smiling and laughing, he couldn't help but smile,
"Come on Princess lets get you in bed" Wade said picking her up and taking her to her room, Luna sat there overthinking everything,
She soon got up and cleaned up from Tea, she walked upstairs, she walked to Lucy's room and knocked on the door, there was no answer, so she opened the door and saw Lucy fast asleep in her bed, Luna walked over to Lucy's bed and sat down on the edge and kissed Lucy on her head, Luna was stroking Lucy's head, and thinking about everything,
Wade walked passed Lucy's room and saw Luna sat in her bed stroking Lucy's  head, he walked into her room and said "she going to be okay you know"
Luna turned her head and looked at Wade, "I know" luna said,
Wade walked over to Luna and was stood next to her,
"We didn't even think of that Lucy hates the snow because of her past and she walked in the snow" Luna said starting to Cry,
"She didn't walk all the way Tim saw her walking and she went to him and was talking to him then he dropped her off at school so she didn't walk far" Wade said pulling Luna in for a hug, they stand there in a hug for a while,
A few minutes go by and They walk out of her room and shut the door, they go downstairs and chill on the sofa later they went to bed and had a good nights sleep.
Lucy was still not eating, she woke up every day, Rushed out the door and walked to school, got bullied and called names, walk home, Sh, go out with her friend, come home around 7,
Run upto her room, and go to bed. Until one day Lucy came home from school and Still nobody was home, she ran upto her room and Looked at her bl@d£, she picked it up and rolled her sleeve up and  saw her scars, she Cut her wrists but she cut one too deep, a tone of blood was rushing out......

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