Grey finds a little Girl

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*Three years later*
Lucy wakes up in her bed with Her teddy next to her, Luna walks in and says "good morning princess" While smiling and Walking over to her closet to get her clothes out, 'you excited to go to school today?" Luna askes "do I have to go? Can I not just go with Dad to the station and help out with the cases?plsssss" Lucy said,
"I will ask your dad" Luna says walking out and going to Wade,
"Good morning again baby" Wade says, "good morning" They kiss, "what's wrong?" Wade asks,
"Luce doesn't want to go to school she wants to go to work with you instead and I told her I have to ask you first"
Luna says putting her head on wades shoulder,
"Yeah ofc I think the captain will be happy he said to me that he is happy to have her helping out"Wade says kissing her, "okay I will go and tell her, I think she will be excited to wear her new outfit" Luna says walking away but while she was walking away Wade smacked her @$$, Luna laughed then walked of to Lucy's room,
"Soooo???" Lucy says,
"He says the captain will love to have you there so yes you can go" Luna says, Lucy gets out of bed and jumps into Luna's arms and hugged her tightly, and then runs to wade and hugs his leg, "thank U daddy" Lucy says and then skips of to get ready,
She gets a quick shower with Luna's help then got ready into her outfit,
"Don't you look smart" Wade said walking into Lucy's room, "yeah, she does, just like a detective" Luna said,
Lucy smiled and ran upto Wade he picked her up and carried her into the kitchen with Luna behind them, They sat down at the table and ate Breakfast Lucy grabbed her little Detective bag and Wade grabbed his work bag and Wade Give Luna a kiss and hug. Luna then kneeled down Infront of Lucy and she whispered into her ear "you make me proud, show them what your made of" Luna then kissed Lucy's cheek and Lucy and Wade walked out. Luna phoned the school to tell them she won't be in,
*With Lucy and Wade*
They sang in the car and then arrived at the station, They got out the car and went inside the Captain walked past them and patted Lucy on the head and said "hey kiddo" before walking off to get roll-call set up, Lucy Ran upto detectives and said "how can I help today?"
"Lucy" One of them said before standing up and hugging her,
Lucy hugged back. "So you can help me and Sarah if you want? We have some big cases which we can't seem to understand" Suzie asked,
"Yeah of course" Lucy said she sat down next to Suzie and soon Wade walked over to them and said "you going to be okay?"
"Yeah she has us" Sarah said,
"Thank U" wade said walking off.
Lucy was helping the detectives, and wade was on Patrol.
*At lunch*
"Come on Luce let's go" Suzie said standing Up with Sarah following,
"Okay give me a second" Lucy said still working on a case,
"Okay meet us outside we have to go talk to the Sargent" Sarah said and her and Suzie walked off to the captain's office.
Lucy was looking at the case and then she knew what happened to the man who was found severed, and there was no person or family around the area, there was no Weapon, or no suspects, Lucy got up and ran to the Sargent's office, she stopped because she didn't want to interrupt the conversation, she knocked and Sarge signaled for her to come in, "whats wrong Luce?" Suzie asked,
"Well I think I know what happened" Lucy spoke,
"Okay tell us" Sarah said ega,
"Well......" Lucy told them and they radiod to patrol to go pick up the evidence that Lucy had spotted, they picked the evidence up and brought it back to the station to be tested.
Soon they went for lunch,
*Few hours later*
The evidence came back and they found the person who had k!lled him,
They went and arrested him, and he went to prison, Suzie came out with Sarah and Lucy was sat there waiting for them, "good job kiddo" Suzie said high-fiving lucy and then Sarah did,
"Thank U" Lucy said, Suzie picked Lucy up and carried her through the station to wait for Wade because it was end of shift, Wade came back.
Wade went and got changed and then walked out to were Lucy was, Lucy saw Wade and ran upto him and shouted"DADDY!!!" Wade picked Lucy up and spun her around, he then put her on his Hip and walked over to a very happy Suzie,
"You should be proud of your daughter she has a Unique talent, she helped us solve a case that none of the detective could figure out, but Lucy did she was looking at it and Me and Sarah were talking to Sarge and said maybe we need to Get the Chef in for this one and then Lucy knocked and came in and told us and we found everything,now the Relatives can put him to Rest" Suzie said.
"That's my little girl for ya" Wade said,
Suzie handed him money and said "go and get her some ice cream because all I know is that after a case like that I like to go get ice cream"
"Okay" Wade said taking the money,
"Remember kiddo if you ever want to help out with the cases then I am open for you to come and help me, because you are the most unique Child I know so I will be happy to work with you when you grow up"
Suzie said and then Sarah came over and spoke "same here if you ever want to help out I would be happy"
"Thank U" Lucy said and then asked Wade to put her down so he did and she hugged them both. She stepped back and grabbed Wades hand and they walked out the station.
"well done kiddo" Wade said loading Lucy up in the car,
"Can we pls get ice cream before Tea"
Lucy said giving Wade the puppy eyes
"Of course" wade said driving off.
*6 years later*
Lucy came home from Highschool,
"He..."Luna spoke but didn't get far because Lucy ran upstairs to her room, Luna ran after her
"Hey what's wrong?" Luna asked wondering why she did this,
"Nothing just I have not had a good day" Lucy said sitting up now facing Luna, "do you want to talk about it?" Luna asked,
"No it's okay" Lucy said,
"Okay well Tea will be done soon and don't forgot your dad Gets home from Being Sargent today and it's his first time so pls don't be grumpy" Luna asked politely,
"Okay thanks mum" Lucy spoke and then Luna walked out of her room shutting the door behind her,
"Lucy was thinking about everything and what had happened at school,
*Lucy's mind*
There right I am fat
I have to get skinny
I am f*cking ugly
I am f*CKing useless
I shouldn't of been born
Nobody is going to love me
Everybody hates me,
I should k!LL myself
*Back to reality*
Before Lucy could think of anything else, the door opened and It was Wade, she has been over thinking for hours about the same stuff,
"Hey kiddo" wade said,
Lucy turned around and put a fake smile on her face,
"Hey dad how was your new job?" Lucy asked,
"Good kiddo thanks, your mother said tea is ready" wade said,
"Tell her I am not hungry" Lucy said,
"You sure you have been at school all day?" Wade asked confused,
"Yeah I am sure" Lucy said smiling,
"Okay love U" wade said walking out,
"Love U too" Lucy said then Wade closed the door,
Lucy went into her bathroom and got in the shower.
When she got out she was looking at her self In the mirror, Luna knocked on the door, Lucy called out and said "in here!!" Luna walked into her bathroom and started talking, "so your dad wants to have his friends over tonight but they will be drinking while watching the Football and he wanted to know if that's okay with you?"
"Yeah of course don't worry about it" Lucy said putting a fake smile on,
"Okay love you" Luna said,
"Love you too" Lucy replied,
Luna walked out and Lucy got dressed.
She went to bed straight after it.
The next morning Lucy woke up and got out of bed, she turned around and saw blood all on her bed she started to panic, "MUM!!" Lucy screamed as calm as she could be,
"MUm" Lucy screamed again, she was shouting Luna for a while, but there was no response,
Lucy started to get worried,
She Walked into her bathroom and saw blood in her underwear and on her pants, she started to get even more worried, Wade woke up and walked into Lucy's room and saw the blood on her sheets, he started to get worried because lucy was nowhere to be found, he called Luna and said "where are U?"
"At work why?" Luna asked
"Because there is blood on Lucy's bed and she isn't the.." Wade was speaking before Lucy came out the bathroom crying, "Daddy" Lucy cried
"Hey sweetheart" Wade said and then spoke to Luna,
"Baby she has started her period" Wade said
"Okay do you know what to do?" Luna asked,
"Erm yeah I think" Wade said,
They hung up and Wade helped Lucy he got her clothes set up, she got a shower then wade showed her everything and she was good as gold,
"Thank U" Lucy said.

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