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Waking up doing work having meal and sometimes skipping meal in night crying and felling asleep.

This had became Yn's routine now. She had Locked herself in her room. Yn is not ready to accept that Tae has left her alone in this house.
Now this house is not a home for her. She is alone in this building.
She was crying,her phone rings and it was Jungkook...

Yn: hello

Jungkook: hi. Yn you need to come office I want to tell you something. So come within an hour.

Yn: Ok Jungkook.

Yn got ready wearing this and left for the office

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Yn got ready wearing this and left for the office.

- In office

She went to his cabin and knocked the door.

Jungkook: come in.

After getting permission Yn went inside and when Jungkook saw her he got up from his place and start coming toward. She got nervous and start walking backward. Her back hit the wall. Jungkook stop at a little distance from her and looked into her eyes and said

Jungkook: congratulations Yn...you are selected as the head designer in our company and you can join from tomorrow.

Yn: Thanks Jungkook.

She said with a little smile. And Jungkook got confused...

Jungkook: what happen Yn aren't you happy?

Yn: No Jungkook it's not like that.

Jungkook: then what happen Yn? You should be happy.

Yn: Jungkook I am fine and I am happy.

Jungkook: No Yn you are not happy I can see this clearly... If you think me as your friend then tell me what happen?
He forced Yn to tell him everything and Yn told him everything she started crying. Jungkook immediately hugged her and start patting her back. She feel safe and warm in his arms but she broke the hug. He made her sit on the couch and gave her water to drink and said...

Jungkook: Yn don't be sad for someone who don't care for you. Ok now stop crying and Today I will give you treat. Please wait till I complete my work.

Yn: umm...Jungkook can I help you in your work. I mean I can't sit free here.

Jungkook: ok...Check this file.

Yn: Ok

-In evening

Jungkook had completed his work with the help of Yn.

Jungkook: thank you Yn for your help.

Yn: No need of this.

Jungkook: ok now let's go.

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