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Yn went to open the door and see
Taehyung was standing there. He was all wet. Yn get confused but gives him way to get inside.
After he came inside Yn give him towel as he was wet because of rain asked him.
Yn: Taehyung what are you doing here.
Taehyung: Actually I was going from here but car broke down  in the middle.
Yn: Ohh...
Taehyung: Yn give me clothes.
Yn: Taehyung you don't have any clothes here but wait a minute.

She went inside and came back with a bathrobe.

Yn: you can wear this.
Taehyung: ok

He was about to take off his shirt but Yn stop him...
Yn: wait...wait what do you think you are doing??
Taehyung: I am changing.
Yn: So for that go in the bathroom.
Taehyung: but it's not like that you haven't seen me naked.

His this statement made Yn shy...

Yn: but still go in the bathroom.

Taehyung went on the bathroom and Yn heat food for him.
He came and have his dinner. After eating dinner Yn was washing the dishes. After doing them she was about to go bur her leg slips because of water on the floor and she was about to fall but Taehyung came from behind and caught her.
She was in his arms and they both were staring at eachother. They were lost in eachother. Taehyung slowly start coming near her face and she closed her eyes. He start kissing her lips, unknowingly she also start responding him. He took her in the bridal style and went inside the room.
He made her lay on the bed and hovered over her and start kissing he hungrily. The both lost in eachother forgetting everything.
After sometime moaning and skin slapping can be heard from the room.
The rain was making their moment more deep and romantic.
Both of them slept in eachother's arm forgetting this world.

- Next Day ( morning )

Taehyung wake up and see empty place beside him. Yn wasn't here he checked bathroom she wasn't there also at last he went downstair and Yn was putting some food on the table and he went to her and said.

Taehyung: Yn let's have breakfast together.
Yn: sorry Taehyung but I need to go office.

At that moment door bell rings and she went to open the door.
Taehyung also went behind her.

Yn: Ohh...hi Jungkook. I was coming.
Jungkook: hi...it's okay. And these flowers are  for you.

Yn smile and took flowers from him.

Yn: Jungkook why you always give flowers to me.
Jungkook: because I thought that giving flowers to someone make that person feel special and the scent of flowers make that person's life fragrant.
Yn: Ohh... you wait here I am coming.

Saying this Yn went inside and Jungkook notice Taehyung was standing there

Jungkook: Goodmorning Mr.kim.
Taehyung: Hi Mr. Jungkook.

They both were looking in eachother's like they will eat eachother.
Suddenly Yn came and said.

Yn: Let's go Jungkook and Taehyung I had placed your food on the table.

Yn and Jungkook left from there.

Whole day Yn was busy in the office and in evening she goes home and see Taehyung has already left from there and Yn went to her room for sleeping after having dinner.

- After Some Days

Yn is doing her work in her cabin but she got a call from Jungkook...

Jungkook: yn come in my cabin.

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