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-After 2 months

Jungkook went London back. He always called Yn to ask about her health.
Yn has not told Taehyung or anyone about her pregnancy.
Today was her checkup. So she get ready and left.

-In  hospital

After Checkup Yn is sitting with doctor

Dr: everything is fine Yn. Take care of yourself.
Yn: Ok
Dr: Yn your reports will be here after 20 minutes till then you need to wait.
Yn: Ok doctor.

Yn was waiting outside doctor's cabin for her report. Suddenly she
get a call from T/f...

T/f: Yn come fast to xxx hospital.

Yn: what happen dad???

T/f: Yn Hana is in labor.

Yn: Ok dad.

Yn is in the same hospital before going she call a nurse and say...

Yn: my reports will be here in 20 minutes. Can you please give those to me in xx room no.

Nurse: ok mam.

Yn reach there and see everyone is already present here...
Everyone is standing outside after sometime doctor came out...with a smile on her face.

Dr: congratulations...it's a babyboy.

After sometime Everyone goes inside the room and see Hana and baby on the bed.
Taehyung went to them and kissed Hana's head.

Taehyung: baby see our Little one.

T/f: congratulations to both of you.

Tae,Hana: Thank you dad.

T/m: congratulations...Hana you know you gave us what someone else can't...right Yn.

Listening this Yn see toward her ignoring her she went toward Hana...

Yn: Congratulations Hana. May God always bless your family. You know bearing a baby in womb is great feeling.

T/m: But Yn why are saying this when you can't even experience it in your life.

Yn stand infront of T/m and said while staring in her eyes...

Yn: Mom you know what??... If a woman can't give birth to baby that doesn't mean she is useless. Women are not only for giving birth.

These are same words that Jungkook said to her...saying this she immediately exit the hospital and went to her house.

T/m: Taehyung when you are divorcing Yn.

Listening this T/f spoke...

T/f: What do you mean by divorcing Yn?

T/m: Tae is divorcing Yn.

T/f: why??

T/m: because now Tae and Hana have a baby. Don't you think this will impact this baby also.

T/f: and what about Yn??

T/m: it's Taehyung's decision...right Taehyung.

Tae: yes dad.

T/f was about to say something but suddenly someone knocked the door and a nurse came inside.

Nurse: who is ms.Yn?

Tae: miss she left.

Nurse: Oh...who are you to her?

Tae: I am her husband.

Nurse: Sir these are her reports.

Tae: which type of are these?

Nurse: Sir these are her checkup reports. She is 2 months pregnant.

Saying this Nurse left. Taehyung immediately open the file and see her reports.
File fell down from his hands...his tears start falling...Everyone is shocked in the room.

T/m: Tae...how this is possible?

Taehyung immediately wipe his tears and was about to go...

T/m: Tae where are going?

Tae: to Yn she need to answer many questions.

Taehyung was driving like a mad...his tears were dripping.

-On the other side

A girl is sitting in the plane. Some tears were dripping from her eyes.
Suddenly she received a call. She picked it...

Jungkook: where are you?

Yn: In plane.

Jungkook: ok.

- Taehyung's side

Taehyung reached to that house which he left. He went inside and start searching for Yn. She is no where to be found.
He went to her room. He get shocked as her things were not present here. her wardrobe is empty. He start panicking.
But suddenly he sees something.
That is some papers and a letter.

Hi, Taehyung

I know one day you will come here.Maybe you forget me but I still remember I have a husband.
I know when you will be reading this letter, I will be away from you.
I know I am not that much important  but there is still a relationship between us that you want end. You know it has ended a long ago but it is still remained on the papers and with this letter I want to tell you that you are freed.
You know I always loved you but atlast my love loose...I know you have many questions I also had many questions. But now maybe your question always remained unanswered.
I know my absence will not affect you because you have so many people but please always be happy...
I will always pray to God for your family...

Yours ex wife

After reading the letter Taehyung fell down and start crying while holding the letter. He sees the papers with the letter are divorce papers. Yn had already signed them.

He immediately stand up and called his men to find Yn everywhere.
It is night now whole day he was finding her but he didn't get a trace of Yn.

At last he returned to this home where he left her last time. His tears were dripping.
There is completely dark in the house all the memories of Yn start coming infront of her eyes.

- On the other side

Yn came out of airport and see Jungkook is waiting for her. He has a smile on his face he ran toward her and hugged her tightly.

Jungkook: welcome to London.

Yn: Thanks.

What will happen next?

Hi, guys I hope enjoyed this part. I will update soon till then wait. Please tell me my mistakes so that I can improve myself.

Pictures are not mine credit goes to its real owner.And please ignore grammatical mistakes.

Bye...see you guys soon till then be happy and healthy.

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