2 - Bestie Beat Bully

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Ten years had passed since that night under the starlit sky, But a year has passed since Varian, now a lanky 15 -year-old, had last seen Julie. She Disappeared mysteriously after the battle with Genevieve, and he hasn't seen her since. The meadow where they'd shared their secrets now held only memories. He was in his lab, a cluttered haven of half-finished inventions and bubbling concoctions, when a glint of gold caught his eye. Nestled amongst a pile of discarded gears, lay a delicate necklace. It was a simple chain, adorned with a single, polished sapphire that shimmered with a familiar blue.

A wave of nostalgia washed over him, transporting him back to that first meeting. He remembered the mischievous glint in Julie's mismatched eyes, the way she'd teased him about his wild inventions, and the shared dream of unlocking the secrets of alchemy. But the dream had turned into a nightmare the day she vanished.

With a trembling hand, Varian picked up the necklace, the cool metal sending a shiver down his spine. It was the one he'd intended to give her, a token of their newfound friendship. He hadn't had the chance. The next morning, the meadow was empty, Julie's belongings gone. All that remained was a single topaz pendant, a mirror image of his own necklace, hanging from a nearby branch. He clutched the topaz pendant in his other hand, its warmth a stark contrast to the sapphire's chill.

The inscription on the back of the topaz pendant, once clear and comforting, now blurred through the tears welling in his eyes. "To Varian, my friend. May our paths cross again."

He sank onto a nearby stool, the weight of the past pressing down on him. He'd spent years searching for Julie, scouring every corner of Corona, questioning anyone who might have seen her. But she'd vanished without a trace, leaving behind only unanswered questions and this aching sense of loss.

A determined glint flickered in Varian's eyes as he wiped away his tears. He wouldn't let her disappearance be the end of their story. He'd refine his inventions, delve deeper into his studies, unlock every alchemical secret he could find. Maybe, just maybe, he'd discover a way to track her down, to bridge the gap of lost time.

With renewed purpose, Varian straightened up, the necklaces clutched tightly in his hands. He wouldn't just be Varian the inventor anymore. He'd be Varian the finder, the one who wouldn't rest until he brought his friend, his Jewel, back home.

Fueled by a renewed determination, Varian plunged himself into his work. The once-cluttered lab now buzzed with focused energy. Gone were the haphazard piles of gears; meticulous schematics adorned the walls, each a testament to his relentless pursuit. His obsession with alchemy had deepened, fueled not just by a thirst for knowledge, but by the desperate hope of finding Julie.

Today's experiment centered on a peculiar crystal Varian had unearthed in a dusty corner of the Royal Archives. It pulsed with a faint, rhythmic light, and ancient texts hinted at its connection to interdimensional travel. Could it be the key to locating Julie, wherever she might be?

He carefully placed the crystal on a makeshift pedestal, surrounded by swirling vials of shimmering liquids – his own concoctions, imbued with alchemical properties he'd spent years decoding. He meticulously calibrated a contraption of wires, lenses, and strange metal contraptions (some his invention, others salvaged from forgotten corners of the castle). It resembled a haphazard telescope on steroids, the focal point aimed directly at the pulsating crystal.

With a deep breath, Varian flicked a lever. The machine whirred to life, gears grinding and lights flickering. The crystal's rhythm intensified, casting an eerie glow across the lab. Varian peered through the makeshift lens, his heart pounding in his chest. Did it work? Was he witnessing a glimpse into another world, a world where Julie might be waiting?

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