18 - Place To Stay? And Food? Yes Please!

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A tense silence stretched across the dusty street as Varian and Julie stood before the creaky door of the Wandering Inn. The ominous warning of the cloaked figure echoed in their minds, leaving them unsure of who, or what, awaited them within the abandoned village.

Just as Varian reached for the rusted handle, a creak of floorboards broke the stillness from within the inn. A sliver of light peeked through a crack in the doorway, followed by a hesitant voice.

"Who's there?" the voice rasped, laced with a tremor of fear.

Varian cleared his throat, forcing a smile into his voice. "We come in peace. We're... travelers, just passing through."

Another long pause followed, filled with the rhythmic creaking of floorboards. Then, with a groan of rusty hinges, the door cracked open a sliver, revealing a pair of wary eyes peering through the gap.

The eyes belonged to an old woman, her face lined with wrinkles etched deep by years of hardship. Her gaze darted between Varian and Julie, lingering on their weapons before returning to their faces.

"Travelers?" she echoed, her voice still laced with suspicion.

"Yes, ma'am," Julie interjected, her voice gentle but firm. "We just need a place to rest for the night. We mean no harm."

The woman's gaze flickered again, this time landing on the crest emblazoned on Varian's tunic – a symbol of Corona, their homeland. A flicker of recognition, shadowed by apprehension, crossed her features.

"Corona," she whispered, the name barely audible.

Varian nodded, a flicker of worry crossing his face at the woman's reaction. Was Corona known here? Was their presence a bad omen?

Before he could voice his concern, the woman continued, her voice gaining a hint of strength.

"The cloaked figure... they mentioned you weren't hostile. But these are... troubling times."

Julie stepped forward, her gaze sincere. "We understand," she said. "We've seen the darkness plaguing your land. We..." she hesitated, unsure how much to reveal.

The woman, emboldened by Julie's honesty, pushed the door open wider. "Come in," she rasped, her voice weary but welcoming. "There's much to discuss."

As Varian and Julie stepped over the threshold, a hushed murmur rippled through the deserted street. Heads peeked out from windows, their eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation. News of the non-hostile visitors spread like wildfire, and soon, the villagers, cautiously at first, then with increasing confidence, emerged from their hiding places.

A sense of relief washed over Varian and Julie. They were no longer alone. This small village, shrouded in fear, held a spark of hope, a flicker of defiance against the encroaching darkness.

With weary smiles, they greeted the villagers, their arrival transforming the deserted street into a gathering place. The villagers, starved for news and a sense of community, bombarded them with questions about Corona and the strange events that had transpired.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the village, Varian and Julie recounted their tale; their escape from Corona, the moonstone, the hidden portal, and their arrival in this forgotten land.

The villagers listened intently, their faces etched with concern. When their story ended, a heavy silence descended upon the gathering.

The old woman, who introduced herself as Elara, stepped forward. "So, the darkness... it originates from your world," she said, her voice heavy with despair.

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