10 - Research

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Varian, face still flushed, mumbled a greeting to his father, his voice barely above a whisper. As Quirin and Julie chatted about the performance, Varian stole a glance at her. The confidence she exuded now was a stark contrast to the nervous girl he'd seen earlier that day on the docks.

Suddenly, a mischievous idea popped into his head.

"Actually, Princess," he interjected, a playful glint in his eyes, "I think your magic might be a little... contagious."

Julie's smile faltered slightly, a flicker of confusion crossing her face. "Contagious?" she echoed.

Varian grinned. "Yeah," he confirmed, extending his hand towards her. "See for yourself."

Hesitantly, Julie reached out and clasped his hand. A jolt of energy, a tingling sensation that felt strangely familiar, passed between them. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"What did you do?" she gasped, her voice laced with a hint of awe.

Varian winked. "Just a little scientific experiment," he said, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "Seems some of your magic rubbed off on me during our performance."

Julie's gaze darted between Varian and his outstretched hand, a silent question hanging in the air. With a playful laugh, she squeezed his hand back, a mischievous glint mirroring his own.

"Well then," she said, her voice filled with a hint of challenge, "let's see if that magic can help us decipher this."

She reached into her pocket and pulled out the strange device, the one that pulsed faintly with blue light.

Quirin, who had been watching the exchange with amusement, raised an eyebrow. "What's that, Julie?"

Julie glanced at him, a hint of worry flickering in her eyes. "It's... something I found in my world," she confessed. "I don't know what it does, but it seems to react to my emotions."

Varian's eyes lit up. A mystery to solve, a chance to combine his scientific knowledge with Julie's newfound magic? This was exactly the kind of challenge he craved.

"Well," he said, a determined glint in his eyes, "then let's put this 'magic' and 'science' to the test, shall we? Together, I bet we can unlock the secrets of this device."

Julie smiled, a spark of excitement replacing her earlier worry. "Together," she echoed, squeezing his hand once more.

The night had been a turning point, not just for the talent show, but for them. As they stood together with Quirin, the strange device held precariously between them, Varian and Julie knew this was just the beginning. Their journey, fueled by a newfound confidence, an undeniable connection, and the spark of science and magic intertwined, promised to be extraordinary. The castle, bathed in the soft glow of the moon, seemed to hold its breath, a silent witness to the start of an adventure unlike anything Corona had ever seen.

The castle library, usually a haven of dusty scrolls and hushed whispers, buzzed with an electric energy. Sprawled across a wide oak table, Varian and Julie were shoulder-to-shoulder, their brows furrowed in concentration. Stacks of ancient tomes, their leather covers worn smooth with time, surrounded them.

Quirin, having excused himself after providing them with a selection of likely texts, had left them to their research. The strange device sat in the center of the table, its blue light pulsing faintly, as if impatient to be understood.

"Anything?" Julie asked, her voice barely a whisper as she scanned another illuminated manuscript.

Varian shook his head, frustration etched on his face. "Nothing helpful so far. All these books talk about mystical artifacts, enchanted objects, but nothing even remotely resembles this thing."

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