Thirty-Four - In Glory, In Ruins

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29th July 74PD

There's an unspoken tradition for the reigning victor the morning before the newest one is crowned. Nobody knows exactly where it started from, or who, but they each follow the same pattern – no matter the district. The victor from the previous year has one final brunch as the current champion with their mentors; one fully supplied by the Capitol. Now that the Games are over, all of the other victors have gotten onto train and returned home for another eleven months, but the teams of the winning tribute and previous winner remain for the crowning ceremony.

And that's how Clio ended up here. At the dining table on a Sunday morning, across from Enobaria and talking about absolutely nothing of importance; her mind daydreaming about how to bring up the idea of wanting to go home rather than paying attention to the words she's speaking. None of this matters anymore.

"Earth to Clio." Hearing her name leave Enobaria's lips snaps her out of her thoughts and she notices the amused grin curving across her face.

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

"Just that I know this isn't going to be easy for you, but Xanthe has asked me to make sure that you don't make any statements like you did in District Twelve on your victory tour. You'll need to play nice." Enobaria continues, repeating her previous words without giving a second thought to her distraction.

"I'm not going." She punctuates.

"Unfortunately, you have to." Enobaria smiles at her sadly from across the table whilst the Avoxes bring out plate after plate of various breakfast foods. There's various pastries, several helpings of different types of eggs, breads and spreads, bacon strips, other meats and selections of pancakes, waffles and fruits. Far too much for two people, especially two people who have controlled their eating habits since they were children. One of Avoxes places a stack of cinnamon rolls nearest to Clio and hands Enobaria a large mug filled with a strong coffee, as if someone knew their tastes.

Xanthe enters the room next, her heels clicking as she smiles widely at her two victors and takes a seat at the head of the table. "You both look lovely today, but Clio, my dear, you look positively radiant."

"There's no need to lie to me Xanthe." Clio scoffs. "I know I look like a walking corpse."

"You're showing district pride with your colour choices, oh you couldn't have chosen a better colour palette to wear for today's events." The woman exclaims, grabbing a plate for herself and filling it with slices of toast and eggs. "You always look beautiful darling, it's why we all love you so much. I'm sure that being on that stage will remind you of that."

"Sure I look beautiful if you ignore the dark circles from the fact that I haven't slept properly in a week, and it's not like I choose to wear red and gold all the time. Besides, I won't be on that stage, because I'm not going."

"But you have to!"

"There's no way in hell I'm going to that ceremony." Clio shakes her head, picking at her plate of food.

Xanthe startles but continues anyway, nervously sipping her drink before her speech. "Oh darling it won't be that bad! Come on, let's think rationally about this, like the true victor you are. We'll all be out there waiting for you."

"Did you not hear me? I'm not going." Clio repeats herself, suddenly angry.

"Clio, please–"

Enobaria cuts the escort off and points towards the hallway. "Xanthe, this won't go the way you're hoping it will, so I think it'd be best if you left us to our brunch." The woman tries to object but Enobaria doesn't let her. "I've already kicked Brutus and Cato out. This is only supposed to be between me and Clio."

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