Chapter 8

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Sebastián walked into his room seeing his girl asleep in his shirt, he hurried up and strip out of his clothes and joined her in bed. An hour later they were awoken by the smoke alarm going off in the kitchen.

They jumped out of bed and ran downstairs into the kitchen, "everyone alright?" Jason asked coming though the kitchen door from outside.

Mr and Mrs. Watson, Sabrina and Willie-Earl saw Blythe sneaking away out of the kitchen as the chef rambles off an excuse and got the smoke alarm to turn off. Mr & Mrs. Watson left the room annoy for being woken up. Sabrina saw Jason looking at her and ran off upset and he ran after her.

"What's that about?" Kourtney asked curiously, "that was your brother taking Malcolm advise" Sebastián told her.

"Even a homeless person knows never to listen Malcolm" Kourtney muttered as Sebastián sent off a text on his phone.

"I know you ain't got your private part out around all this good food. And second of all do you have any kind of relationship vaseline lotion or something? Your knees look like you've been praying in some chicken flour" Willie-Earl says which cause Sebastián and Kourtney to laugh and left the kitchen with him.

The next morning Kourtney decided to go for a morning swim before the big day events. After the swim Sebastián left to get ready for the Watson family tradition football on the beach. Kourtney went off to get breakfast, she was surprised when Sebastián touched her back.

She rolled her eyes at him and began to walk away, "wait, why are you leaving?" Sebastián asked confused.

"Cause am not trying to go to prison for killing you" She answered him rolling her eyes, he laughs, "I see you got jokes" he says amused.

"You know I can snap your butt into two with all these curves?" She says sassily.

"You promise?" Sebastián asked biting his lip as he ran his eyes all over her body.

"Oh so now you have jokes, I know your hiding something from me, let me find out it's another woman and see" Kourtney told him rolling her neck.

"Look, I may have the body of a 20 year old but I have the mind of a grown man who would never cheat on you" He told her.

"Well that doesn't explain the secret texts" she told him, "Well am sorry you feel that way" he told her smirking know what texts she talking about.

He biting his lip and ran his eyes over her body again and walked off with a muffin in his hand.

"Help me Jesus. He knows he fine" Kourtney mumbles to herself and grab a muffin herself and went to have breakfast with Ricky, Sandra and Lauren.


"Ricky what's the rush?" Kourtney question when she saw him running pass her, "Jason is hurt, am going to get Sabrina" he yelled and ran off to find Sabrina.

Know that they're down by the beach Kourtney ran down to the beach to see what happened. Soon enough Sabrina and Pam came running over too, "Jason you okay" Sabrina asked him immediately.

"Am fine babe" he told her as he put on his shift as he sat in the sand.

"Wh-who who hurt ma baby?" Pam questioned breathlessly after she ran from the house to the beach.

"He alright" Willie-Earl answered her, "my fault P. He running, he haven't been working out lately" Malcolm says with a glare at Jason.

"Jason, honey, am gonna have to take you home" Pam says still trying to catch her breathe.

"Home? To where Brooklyn" Sabrina and Kourtney asked looking at her in disbelief.

"Yes to Brooklyn, I can call your pediatrician, Dr. Hunter" Pam says which caused Kourtney to laugh silently.

"Pediatrician are you serious?" Sabrina asked amused, "Pam this grown man don't need no pediatrician" Willie-Earl says amused.

"Ain't nobody say anything about pediatrician" Pam grumble when she realized what she said.

"Ma am fine" Jason told her, they help him up off the ground and began to walk to the house.

"Jason what time is the ferry?" Pam asked wanting to go home with her kids, "we're just going to get him some ice okay" Sabrina told her.

"Now you wait one god damn minute Ms. Johnny come lately. You haven't known my son for what over 6, 7 months and who the hell you think you are to know what's best for him over his mother" Pam complained loudly not holding back.

"You know what, I spent the last two days listening to you disrespect Jason, Kourtney, me and my family..-" Sabrina told her only to be cut off.

"Your family? You think your family is so perfect you don't even know who your parents are" Pam told her scoffing.

Mr. Watson look over in disbelief as this woman was about to tell his daughter something she wasn't supposed to know.

"What are you talking about?" Sabrina asked amused, "ask your daddy who your really father is" Pam says enjoying the fact that she gets to hurt Sabrina.

"Mrs. Taylor you are way out of line!" Mr. Watson snapped at Pam, "she's crazy, dad..." Sabrina trailed off.

"Honey, it's complicated" he told her sadly, "no it's not complicated, either you are or not my father" Sabrina told him.

Pam smirked happily, "you should talked to your mother" he told her.

"Fine, let's go" Sabrina says walking off immediately heading to the house with everyone from the beach following behind her. "Yea! Go talk to your mam!" Pam yelled after her.


They walked into the kitchen to see Claudine and Geneva laughing together, "aww, what's wrong?" Claudine asked seeing an upset Sabrina entered the kitchen.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Sabrina asked upset, "tell you? Tell you what? Why are you so upset" Claudine asked confused as to what's going on.

"We should discuss this in private" Mr. Watson says, "no dad, there is no more in private, somebody is going to tell me the truth" Sabrina says looking between her papers.

"Mom tell me this lady is crazy and that she's making this up. Mom tell me the truth, are you my parents?" Sabrina questioned curiously.

Claudine was shocked, she wasn't expecting this, not on a day like today, by now everyone was in the kitchen even those who weren't on the beach.

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