CH-8 his friend?

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Ahanshi's pov

What kind of dress is this ?

Why is it so shiny ?

Ew I don't like these type of dresses.

I'll just wear a simple one.

I opened my bag and took out a simple but elegant looking saree.

Looking much better than that cham cham saree.


Okay done!

I just hope everything will went well there because I don't trust this man and he is never going to defend me infront of these people.

I am not going to wear heels, I'll wear flat ,my pain isn't soothen yet.

I walked out of the room before going down to see him sitting on the couch.

Why is he doing this ?

There must be a reason for him doing all of this.

Just me talking back to him isn't the only reason, I need to find the real thing because of which he is doing all of this.

How can anyone think, this man who looks too innocent from outside but is a monster from inside.

"I am ready"

He didn't said anything instead went out, not a gentleman.

Kaha maine socha tha ki gentleman aur ekdum Chand sa ladka milega,lekin yaha toh Chand par hi grahan laga hua hai.

(I had thought that I would find a gentleman and a boy of the moon,but here the moon itself is under eclipse)

I started walking behind him as an so called obedient wife, I am going to stab him from the back one day.

I opened the door of the backseat of the car.

"Sit beside me"


"Now I am sure you can't listen, deaf woman"

"Oh hello I am not deaf"

"Sit infront"

"I am not going to sit beside you"

He shot glare at me.

And I glared him back.

I took my seat in the back.

The media will be there, they'll ask me some stupid questions and I don't want it.

Why people judge so fast without even knowing the whole story

And then when you get to know it they're like oh sorry I didn't knew it and you are nice blah blah.

What else can they do instead of buttering.

There are two sides of woman.

One which is the soft side which can melt for anyone she loves, she can do anything for the ones who means everything to her and can even do the worse to anyone who will try to harm them.

But the other side is the cruel side.

If this form comes out then who knows how many people will be ruined.

She is a mystery that only some are able to solve.

Not gonna lie but men's somewhere hide the pain in themselves as well.

I have seen dad hiding so much pain inside him, after all of that happened he was the only one that didn't let even one drop of tear escape from his eye.

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