CH-15 sacrifice

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Author's pov


Ahanshi's steps halted, her heart raced seeing the sight infront of her.

That man who tried to kill revansh was lying on the ground dead.

While revansh was holding a gun pointed at him.

Everyone in the cafeteria ran away from there after listening to the bullet sound.

She was looking at the dead body with wide eyes not able to accept the fact that revansh killed him.

He kept the gun back into his pocket, his eyes gazing darkly at the dead body.

She stood there not knowing what to do.

Her legs trembled, sweat locks formed on her forehead, she just witnessed a murder infront of her.

He looked at her before taking steps towards her slowly.

"Your dad's choice isn't bad but still not enough"

She looked at him.

"Y-you killed him"

"So ?"

"Are you crazy ? You killed a fucking man, how can you be so calm ?"

"Why are you panicking?"

"Because the police will come now, they'll arrest you and then.. and then"

"It's my thing to handle not yours, now go back and complete those left files"

She turned around to leave from there but her body was still shaking.

The scene that happened few minutes ago was continuously repeating in her mind.

She didn't wanted to stay there anymore, she was scared, scared to be around him.

She quickly walked out from the building and walked all back to her house.

She didn't wanted to stay with him in that mansion anymore.

She knocked on the door waiting for anyone to open it.

Soon the door opened revealing rajwat.


She kneeled down quickly and hugged him, rustling her fingers in his hair, she kept him close to her.

"Didi I missed you so much kaha the aap?"
(Where were you ?)

"I am sorry bache now I am here and I'll not go from here"

She pulled out from the hug and caressed his cheek.

"Where is mom dad ?"

"They are in the room doing something"

"Doing something?"

He nodded, she frown upon hearing him.

She stood up and walked inside.

The faint voice of her parents were audible to her.

"Rajwat go play okay I'll come join you in few minutes"

"Okay didi"

She smiled and he went inside a room.

She looked at the door they were in talking something with eachother.

She was about to knock on it but stopped.

"Use nhi pata chalega kyu fikar kar rahi ho ?"
(She'll never get to know it, why are you worrying)

The door wasn't locked, so she slowly opened the door not making a sound.

She peeked inside making sure they don't see her.

𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐬Where stories live. Discover now