CH-26 truth

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Author's pov

Her eyes widened as she saw his condition, his legs stumbling and sweat locks on his forehead, it was clear that he was not at all in his senses.

She walked towards him with a hint of concern flickering in her eyes.

"Revansh are you okay ?"

His eyes were red, he looked at her in her eyes with desire and possesion in them.


He stammered and her eyes widened.

She didn't believed what she just heard.

"What ? What you said ?"

Without saying any more word he pulled her closer by her waist closing the gap between them.

"R-Revansh you are not in yo-


He placed his finger on her lips looking in her eyes.

His gaze went to her lips, he leaned in gently biting on the bottom of her lip making her gasp.

"I love you..."

Her eyes widened again, her heart beating rapidly as her breath got uneven.

"I love you..vanshi.."

She looked at him in shock, she wasn't understanding why is he taking her sister's name.

Does he know her ?

"W-what are you saying ? How do you know her ?"

He just laughed bitterly his voice low yet dark.

"She..she was my everything"

He said his voice going more deep and husky as he spoke.

She looked at him wanting full explanation.

"Revansh for God sake come in senses"

She said slightly shaking him.

"Do you even know what you are saying ?"


She felt a string coursing through her body as he continued to take her sister's name.

She grabbed his shoulder supporting him and took him in his room, she wanted to call out for reesha but didn't wanted to disturb her sleep.

She made him lay down on the bed, he kept mumbling words that were barely hearable.

She took off his shoes and moved up letting his head rest comfortably on the pillow.

He opened his eyes and looked at her before pulling her close by grabbing the back of her neck gently.

She gasped as her eyes widened again, her lips just inches away from his.

He continued to look in her eyes with a possessive and desire look.

With his other free hand he grabbed her waist pulling her on top of him.

"You know I was in love with..with your sister.."

He said in a low voice not breaking the eye contact.

"But how ?"

She asked looking at him, as she was desperate to get her answers.

"She was my first love the first person who made me feel alive and loved but you know what she did ?"

"What ?"

"She left me, left me for some other boy who had more money than me since that day I made my goal to become rich..more than that man more than anyone can think, more than what your father expected"

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