CH-25 letter

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Author's pov

"Sir look it's a figure in black and after pushing her he just vanished so quickly"

One of the guard said showing him the cctv footage.

"And where is Kanika ?"

"She was on the other side of the mansion the whole time"

He said closing the laptop screen.

"How did he even got inside ?"

"That's what I am trying to find out sir neither we saw him coming nor leaving he couldn't just vanish in air"

Revansh leaned back on his chair pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Okay leave"

The guard nodded and left from there.

She was in her room feeling better from before, she was having fear of drowning, thalassophobia.

It was her biggest fear since childhood.

She never tried to swim as she was so scared going inside the water.

She kept sitting there on the bed with her knees close to her chest, she was thinking how he had came to save her although she had never expected him to save her.

The way when she wrapped her arms around him and he didn't even protested ignited something inside her, her heart fluttered imagining that scene again and again.

Even though it was unintentional but she liked it but won't admit.

She picked up her new phone from the night stand and looked at it wondering what to do first.

But instantly kept it back.

She was still lying there lost somewhere in her thoughts when the door of her room opened revealing revansh.

She sat up straight looking at him with a bit of nervousness and embarrassment.

"You need something?"

She asked avoiding his gaze now.

"Just I came to give these medicines"

She raised an eyebrow.

"Medicines ?"

He walked towards the bed.

"Yeah I uh had a conversation with the doctor and he said to buy these medicines for you"

She looked at him with a little wide eyes because it was unlike of him  caring for her.

"Oh okay"

She said taking the small bag of medicines from him.

"You have thalassophobia?"

He asked and her body froze, she knew that he will get to know it.

She nodded.

"Like from how many years ?"

"Since childhood"

He tilted his head nodding a little.

"Any more things ?"

She looked at him with a raised eyebrow but then shook her head.


He looked away for a second before looking back at her.

"I'm leaving..if you need anything then I'll be in my room or my number is saved on that phone you can message or call"

With that he left.

And she fell in deep thought again.

She was shocked and slightly happy too that he is caring for her but she wasn't sure about his this behaviour yet.

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