CH-16 wife ?

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Revansh's pov

What the hell are you thinking revansh.

I continued to walk, I don't know why but I want to see her, want to check on her, want to make sure she is alright.

Taking my steps out from the building I sat down in the car before starting the engine.

Doesn't matter if I married her just to take revenge, she is still a human.

But is she blind or what ?
Can't she just walk safely ?
Idiot woman.

Speeding up a little after few minutes on reaching the hospital i parked the car in the parking lot of the hospital and got out.

Dashing in inside, i walked towards the reception.

"Excuse me"

The receptionist looked at me.

"Yes sir how may I help you ?"

"My wife is admitted here, her name is Ahanshi verma"

"Wait a second sir"

Did I just called her wife ?

What the fuck is wrong with me ?

"Sir she is in room no 308"


"Sir please fill up this form for payment"

"I'll do it later"

I walked away from there and walked as fast as I could.

On reaching the third floor, I started searching for the room no 308.

And when I did so I entered inside without knocking.

I didn't felt like knocking.

My steps halted, my breath hitched looking at her.

"Hello sir who are you ? Please leave from here"

I was so lost in looking at her face that I didn't heard her.

Walking towards her despite being told to leave I looked at her whole body.

Her face has wounds, her head is covered with bandages.

Why is my heart aching looking at her condition?

Why am I feeling to hold her in my arms and tell her to open her eyes and look at me.

"Sir are you not listening we are telling you to go out"

I turned finally looking at that nurse with dark gaze.

"She is my wife, I am her husband and I have the full right to be here with her"

I looked back at her.

"You are her husband?"

The doctor who was checking up on her asked me as I nodded.

"Please come outside I need to talk to you"

Talk to me ?

Why ?

She is alright right ?

I walked out with him.

"Listen sir, your wife has loss a big amount of blood in that tragic accident, we also tried to better her condition by giving her more blood but nothing seems to be working, her heart beat rate is slow as well, her condition is very critical, it's very hard to sa-

I pulled him by his collar.

"Don't you dare say that"

"What are you doctor for if you can't save a person ?"

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