Chapter 15 - Bye Bye Buckbeak

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Today was the day of Buckbeak's execution, it was sad, he was such a beautiful, elegant creature and now his life was going to be taken away all because Malfoy doesn't know how to keep his ego in check.

Ron, Hermione, Harry and I were all walking through the courtyard on our way to Hagrid's, we wanted to be there to comfort him and make sure he was ok as he cared for Buckbeak a lot. The executioner was sitting on one of the tree roots sharpening his axe with a disturbing grin. His teeth were black and rotted out, His cheeks were hollow, his eyes droopy and a dirty pale skin covered his face. I thought it was quite cruel, in a world full of magic they were going to behead the poor beast, there must be a more moral way of doing it.

Hermione was mad and upset and I could tell by the way she glared at the executioner and stormed across the bridge, while Ron, Harry and I cautiously followed.

"I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak. It's just too horrible". Hermione said, clear sadness and fury in her voice.

As we approached the end of the tunnel the three before me stopped "It just got worse" Ron stated. I slightly leaned forward and peered around the stone wall to see Crabbe, Goyle and Malfoy all laughing as they looked through binoculars down towards Hagrid's hut where Buckbeak was going to be killed.

Malfoy was going on about how he was going to get Buckbeak's head and give it to the Gryffindor common room. I was filled with so much rage I hadn't even realised that I was now half running down the hill towards Malfoy and his fairies.

"Look who's here" Crabbe said turning around as he noticed us.

"Ahh come to see the show" Malfoy teased, just before I could say or do anything Hermione stepped in front of me moving at a faster pace towards them.

"You! You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" Hermione furiously said as she held her wand up to Malfoys throat pinning him against the rock.

"Hermione, no" Ron pleaded "He's not worth it" he added.

"Screw that, Fuck him up Mione" I exclaimed with a proud grin on my face. Harry and Ron both turned to me with horrified looks begging me not to egg Hermione on more. before I could roll my eyes, Hermione had lowered her wand. Damn it, I thought to myself.

She turned back towards us as the cock flock began to snicker to themselves, but without hesitation, she swung herself back around punching Malfoy in his stupid face. He really can't catch a break. He fell to the ground, the other two bimbos helping him up as they ran off scared shitless saying things like 'Don't tell anyone' and 'I'll get that stupid mud-blood' which we all knew was an empty threat.

"That felt good," Hermione said breathing heavily.

"Fuck yeah, girl" I said jumping onto her and squeezing her tightly. "I think I'm a bad influence on you" I smiled while my arms remained wrapped around her shoulders, us both facing Harry and Ron.

"Yeah, what happened with that anyway" Harry asked me curiously.

"He was being a dick, so I punched". I laughed while holding up my hand to Hermione. "Girl Fucking Bosses" I exclaimed as she high-fived me giggling lightly.

The four of us made our way down the hill towards Hagrid's, the atmosphere was gloomy, the wind was cold and icy, the trees didn't seem as green, the birds didn't sing as loudly, and the air didn't seem as magical.

As we approached the door to his hut, I extended my arm and placed three gentle knocks on the thick wooden door. We heard some shuffling from inside before Hagrid opened the door, his face at first looked solemn but when he noticed it was us, I could see his expression lift slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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