Chapter 12 - Secrets

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Today was another Hogsmeade visit, and I was saying goodbye to Pansy. She and everyone else left leaving me to wander the halls alone, I wasn't sure exactly where Harry was, but I assumed he was in his common room sulking or something like that.

I sat in my common room reading Gone With the Wind, it's a muggle book that I love and have read many times. I'm sprawled out on the couch in front of the fireplace until I suddenly remember that I never talked to Lupin about my boggart. I flipped my book closed chucking it in front of me onto the table as I quickly rose from the couch. I walked through the halls, my pace quick as I headed to Professor Lupin's office knocking lightly on the door when I arrived.

"come in" I heard him say from the other side. I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me.

"Sorry to bother you professor and I know it happened a while ago, but I was wondering if you knew anything about my boggart" I questioned furrowing my eyebrows.

"Ahh yes, I assumed you would come to discuss it sooner or later" I didn't respond eager for him to continue. "At first your boggart confused me and after class when I began to think about it, I found myself becoming more intrigued as to why you were your boggart". He explained while he stood up from behind his chair and walked around leaning back on the front of his desk with his hands in his pocket.

"I thought the same but, why?" I stepped further into the room begging for answers.

"I considered many possibilities but the one I find to be the most likely is that you're scared of what you're capable of. You're a very powerful witch Y/N, and you're scared of that". I stayed silent considering the theory. "You're impulsive, possess a lot of courage, and skill and will do anything to protect those you care about. It's a dangerous combination, Y/N" I pondered on what he said taking it into deep consideration while I slowly nodded my head.

"So, I'm more scared of my capabilities rather than my physical self?" I questioned trying to wrap my head around everything.

"Yes, at least that's what I believe" he replied pushing himself off the desk and walking towards me. "Your parents would be proud of you Y/N" I instantly froze, no one had ever said that they were proud of me, and now someone who was friends with my dead parents is telling me that they would be proud of, me. I could feel the tears form in the back of my eyes as I tried hard not to let them slip out, I blinked profusely and avoided eye contact, I swallowed deeply while I fiddled with the strings on my jumper.

"Uhm, Thank you and thank you for the answer" I choked out. I quickly left the classroom and headed straight for the nearest bathroom. There was barely anyone in the halls, but I kept my head down nonetheless not wanting to make eye contact with any of the few people around. Just before I could reach the lavatory, I bumped into someone causing me to stumble back.

"Do you ever watch where you're going" I heard the annoyingly familiar voice say. I subconsciously looked up at him. "you look like you're about to cry" he laughed looking down at me.

"cry?' I scoffed. This was good, I needed a distraction. We stood there staring at each other in an awkward silence for a little too long.

"What are you staring at?" We said at the same time narrowing our eyes at each other. The awkwardness just continued until I decided I had to break it.

"what are you doing here, didn't you go to Hogsmeade?" I asked.

"Yeah, about that, I hate your brother" he scoffed rolling his eyes.

"My brother, how does he have anything to do thing Hogsmeade" I questioned.

"Well, I assume it was him who attacked me. At first, I didn't know what happened then I saw him walking around with that mud blood and Weaslebee" I just completely ignored what he had said about Ron and Hermione and started questioning him about Harry being at Hogsmeade.

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