Chapter 7 - Really witty

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We all walked out of class and down to Hagrid's hut for Care of Magical Creatures. Because of this whole me coming to Hogwarts to be safer thing they also decided that Harry and I should have all our classes together, meaning that Slytherins and Gryffindors also have all their classes together, oops sorry.

Pansy and I were walking and talking when I heard an annoying and familiar voice come up from behind us. "Does this hopefully mean you're going to die now, potter" Malfoy spat referring to what happened in divination as he started walking beside me with his little group of minions behind us and beside Pansy.

"If you actually believe anything that happened in that class then you're stupider than I thought Malfoy" I laughed.

"Whatever Potter" he growled rolling his eyes and turning his conversation to one of the other Slytherins I knew to be Crabbe.

I noticed Pansy kept glancing at the boy who walked next to her, he was tall and had smooth dark skin and dark eyes, he had short dark hair and overall, was fairly attractive.

We reached the bottom of the hill and approached Hagrid who was standing in front of his hut. "That's it. Come on, now. Come closer. Less talking if you don't mind. I got a real treat for you today. A great lesson. So, follow me". Hagrid said to the class.

We followed him up a hill and into a small forest, everyone was talking and chatting away, and it was a nice ambience. "Right, you lot. Less chattering. Form a group over there. And open your books to page 49". Hagrid called out to us all as we stepped over a small stone ledge and into an opening.

"exactly how do we do that?" Draco complained.

"Just stroke the spine, of course. Goodness me" Hagrid replied.

"Yeah, Malfoy you stroke the spine, of course" I said mocking both him and slightly Hagrid. (No Hagrid slander guys, I love him)

Malfoy rolled his eyes and for a second there I could swear I could see a slight smile as he scoffed. He lifted the book up and stroked it as I did the same. It started making some weird sounds.

"This feels kinky" I said a little too loud catching the attention of most of the class. They all just looked at me dumbfounded, while Pansy and I laughed to each other quietly.

I walked over to Harry, Ron and Hermione catching them mid-conversation. "I think they're funny," Hermione said in the most monotone voice ever.

"Oh yeah, terribly funny, really witty. God, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my Father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes" Malfoy said once again entering a conversation without an invitation. He and his little girl squad started laughing like what he said was actually funny.

Hagrid was kind of a soft spot for Harry, he was the one who saved us from the Dursleys and told us we were witches and wizards. Bought us our owls and helped us get our books so I do get it.

So, I wasn't surprised when Harry stepped forward, obviously I knew if this got physical Harry would probably lose so I stayed next to him as he got closer to Draco. "Shut up, Malfoy"

Draco and his fan club just oo'd as Queen Bee himself handed off his bag to Crabbe stepping towards Harry and me almost sizing Harry up. That's when I saw it, that glint in his eye telling me he was about to do something, and I knew that whatever that something was I wasn't going to react unless he tried to throw hands of course.

Malfoy began to stumble backwards looking slightly terrified, showtime. "Dementor! Dementor!" He cried out pointing behind us. I knew there was nothing behind me, so while everyone including my daft brother spun around, I kept my eyes glued on Malfoys keeping eye contact.

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