Chapter 8 - Sirius Black?

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We walk back down the path we came up, Malfoy walking ahead muttering who knows what to himself while I juggle to keep both of our things in my hands. "I'm putting my books in your bag". I said it more as a statement than a question.

"No, you won't" he argued back stopping in his tracks.

"Well, I'm the one stuck with you carrying your shit so" I replied and kept walking. Once I had caught up, he continued to walk beside me.

"You, stuck with me" he exasperated. "I think you've got it the wrong way around, potter".

We kept walking in an awkward silence until we reached the castle. "I don't know why he sent me, I don't even know where the hospital wing is," I thought out loud.

"Merlin, you're useless" he spat back clearly still mad at the situation.

"Me? we just left class so I can take you to the hospital wing over a fucking scratch" I yelled back.

"My arm could be broken" he seethed at me as he gestured his arm towards me.

"Yeah, because I'm about to break it" At this he rolled his eyes and walked through a big pair of doors and into the hospital wing. A lovely-looking nurse lady walked over.

"what's happened now Mr Malfoy" she asked, and I couldn't help but let out a little laugh realising he does this a lot.

"I was attacked by a bloody chicken; I think my arms broken". He continued to tell her a very over-dramatic version of the story twisting and lying most parts to make it seem much worse than it was. I don't think she actually listened to him. She just pulled him over to one of the beds and began looking at his arm.

"um, can I go now" I enquired praying she would let me leave this extremely uncomfortable situation.

"Sorry no dear, you must wait until the end of the lesson before you can go. It's just one of those rules" She looked at me with sorry eyes knowing I was growing just as tired of listening to Malfoy's story as she was".

"but there's still 35 minutes left of the lesson." She gave me an apologetic smile and walked away leaving me to groan and slump back into a chair that was beside his bed. We both just sat there in yet another uncomfortable silence neither of us wanting to speak to the other.

"you know my father will hear about that stupid thing" he started speaking out of nowhere.

"Why do you care so much, it's not that big of a deal," I said sighing hoping he would stop talking.

"It could've killed me" he responded sounding almost proud of himself for being alive.

"Seriously though it's not worth it, just drop it," I say leaning back into my chair more. Madam Pomfrey came walking back in and gave me the best news I could've possibly asked for.

"You're free to go now Miss Potter, class is over".

"Thank you so so much," I said as I basically ran out of the room.

As I walked out and back down, I ran into Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"remind me to kill Hagrid later" I said as pissed off as ever.

"Oh Y/N are you ok, that was harsh," Hermione said looking at me with apologetic eyes.

"I'd rather take on Voldemort again than sit in a room alone with Malfoy for half an hour again," I said dramatically slamming my head on her shoulder.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A week had passed, and it was the period between the end of classes and dinner. I was sitting in the great hall with Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise Theo and Draco. Pansy and I originally came in here to study then Blaise joined and sat next to Pansy causing them all to come over, followed by a reluctant Draco.

I was trying to keep my head down and do my work while Pansy and Blaide just flirted, Crabbe and Goyle were eating but I didn't even know where they kept pulling all this food from, leaving Theo and Draco who just talked.

Eventually, the conversation came back involving the whole group and of course, we somehow landed on the topic of Draco's 'attack'.

"Does it still hurt?" Crabbe asked fully fuelling Draco's ego.

"It comes and it goes, still I consider myself lucky. Madam Pomfrey said another minute and I could've lost my arm." I turned around to see my brother and his friends who were also listening to the same abomination of a story as me. I widened my eyes and mouthed 'What the fuck' causing him to silently laugh and shake his head turning his attention back to his friends.

As I turned back to the group, he was still going on about it, without even thinking I subconsciously scoffed and rolled my eyes. Causing Pansy to cover her smile with her hand and Malfoy to send me a death glare. If looks could kill.

"what's wrong potter, upset everyone's not talking about you for 2 seconds" he laughed.

"No, I just find it pathetic how much you've twisted this story to make it sound like something actually happened." Before he could open his mouth to say something back. Seamus came running into the great hall with a newspaper in his hands.

"He's been sighted, He's been sighted, Sirius Black". For some unknown reason, I felt intrigued to know what exactly it was they were talking about.

I got up and walked over to the group of Gryffindors leaning across so I could see the newspaper.

"Dufftown? That's not far from here" Hermione said.

"You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts, do you?" Neville added sounding scared to his core.

"With dementors at every entrance?" another kid I didn't recognise stated.

"dementors, he's already slipped past them once. Who's to say he won't do it again?" Seamus jumped in sounding sure of himself.

"But why would Sirius black want to come to Hogwarts" I asked. Ron and Hermione looked at me shocked while Harry avoided my eyes at all costs. There was something he wasn't telling me.

"you haven't told her" Hermione whisper shouted at Harry.

"haven't told me what?" I asked confused.

"Y/N come with me we need to talk". Harry said as he got up and walked out of the great hall with me following closely behind forgetting all about my books and homework on the table.

Harry and I walked through the halls for a little bit, I could tell his mind was racing and he clearly was reluctant to tell me. "Just spit it out Harry, it'll be easier".

"Don't get mad I didn't tell you this, the only reason I didn't was because I didn't want you to get scared or anxious and I thought I could protect you better if you didn't know" he rambled trying to justify his reasonings to keeping whatever this was a secret.

"Protect me, from what Harry" he was making me nervous with the fact he couldn't spit out a goddamn sentence that made sense.

"Sirius Black wants to come to Hogwarts because he wants to kill us" Harry quickly said his voice shaky and filled with nervousness causing us both to stop walking and face each other.

"that sounds about right" I replied nonchalantly while shrugging. Let's be real there is always someone who wants to kill us, it was only a matter of time before whoever it was going to be this year was revealed. Kind of like the Met Gala theme.

I watched as Harry's face turned from anxious to confused quickly. "what do you mean 'sounds about right'?" he asked still just as confused. I crossed my arms and leaned on my hip.

"If you haven't noticed Harry something is always after us, it was just a matter of time before the next threat appeared" I said slightly laughing at the end of my sentence.

"I mean sure, so you're not worried" He was still confused like he couldn't wrap his head around the idea of me not throwing a fit at this news.

"everything will be ok. Besides, we have each other this time." I smiled reassuringly. It was sweet, I think Harry was more scared for my safety than his own. 

A/N: Short chapter I know sue me. I like the banter between them although I'm really shit at coming up with the insults. 

Love you loads x

- Em

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