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After kopa Finished washing the dishes He went to his room



*I'm Tired as F*CK. I went to My bathroom and brushed my Teeth*
"Ugh school was tiring" kion said "it's so hot in here" kion said and turned on his Air conditioner and he locked the door. 2 minutes later Kion was on his phone on TikTok and suddenly someone knocked on his door "kion, open the door" Kiara said "what" kion said "just open this door" Kiara said and Kion got up from his Bed And opened the door "what do you want" kion said and lied down on his bed "here" Kiara said and gave him her phone with Zuri On audio call "hey Zuri" kion said "hey Kion so Since Prom is Coming up do you think about being my date to prom" Zuri said Confidently "uh I'll think about it" Kion said and Gave Kiara back her phone "I told you that's what he'll say" Kiara said while walking out of his room "close the door!" Kion shouted but Kiara ignored "ugh" kion got up and locked the door *an Unknown Number Called Kion* "hm who's this" kion said and Answered the call "hey Kion" Rani said "hey Rani how'd you get my number" kion asked "earlier when we were at the front of the school when we were all going home, while I was waiting for my uncle I ran into Bunga and we talked and I said "can i get kion's Number." " Rani explained and Kion giggled"so since Prom is Coming up Do you mind Being My date?" Rani asked "sure why not i Don't have a date yet" kion said and Smiled "thanks" Rani said. "Anyways I better get to bed It's a school night" kion said "Oh ok" Rani and and Hung up. Kion placed his Phone on the nightstand and Turned off the Lights and tucked himself in a blanket.
(Morning Shines)

kion wakes up 5:00 as usual "ah Morning Again" kion said while yawning. Kion went to his Bathroom to brush his teeth and showered
(I'm so Lazy so I'll Just add the scene where They're at school)
"Stay outta trouble" Simba said "yeah yeah dad" kion said and Went inside.


I finally Arrive at school. I see Kion talking with Bunga and Ono. I was about to Go to them while 2 stopped me "Hi?" Rani Said "you do know That kion right?" Tiifu said "yeah Why?" Rani said "he's One of The most Popular Kids in This whole School And his Family Is also One of the Richest In the Whole State. You'll Get embarrassed if you try to Get close to him. He was just being Nice helping You out that day" Zuri Explained "I don't Care about that" Rani said and Tried to Go to Kion and Bunga again but Zuri pushed her Down "ugh You basic B*tches" Rani said while Standing up "Forgot to Tell you I'm Kion's Date to Prom" Zuri said Confidently "Yes she is" Tiifu said "so you have no chance with Kion" Zuri said "blah blah blah Get out of my way b*tches" Rani said and pushed Tiifu and Zuri Out of her Way and went to Kion "hi Kion" Rani said "hi Rani" kion said and Hugged Rani With one arm and continued Talking to Bunga and Ono "sooo are you guys Dating Officially" Ono and Bunga teased "not yet..." Rani whisper "We're not But she is my date to Prom" Kion said "yeah Yeah" Rani said and Looked at Tiifu and Zuri and stuck out her tongue at them "Ugh!!! What is That b*tch doing with my Kion!" Zuri said "She Probably Seduced kion" Tiifu said. And they approached Kion Rani Bunga and Ono. after They Got to them Zuri slapped Rani "Hey!" Kion said and Helped Rani up "Why are you Doing this to her?" Bunga asked "Don't get involved in this pipsqueak" Tiifu said "excuse me?!!" Bunga said and tried to punch Tiifu but Ono stopped him. Zuri and Tiifu pushed Rani To a wall "ugh!" Rani groaned and slapped Zuri "ugh you B*tch!" Zuri said and was about the slap Rani but Kion stopped "Kion why are you protecting her she's just a Poor b*tch you should love me!" Zuri said "you know what I'm Just gonna Leave" Rani said and walked away... While rani was Walking in the Halls she Bumped into a Tall Boy "oh I'm So- Rani?!" ??? Said "Jabari..." Rani said. If you guys don't know in my other story Lion guard divided and united Jabari is Rani's Ex boyfriend. "I missed you my love" Jabari said and helped Rani up and he tried to Kiss her. He was about to Kiss her but she Slapped him "ugh! I loved it when you were Sexy Aggressive" Jabari Flirted and Grabbed her Waist. Rani freed herself from Jabari's Grip and Slapped him. She was about to walk away but Jabari Took her hand "let go of me!" "No i don't think so My queen" Jabari said and Pinned Rani on a Locker. Kion was walking in the halls Trying to find Rani but then He saw Jabari trying to Kiss Rani it looked like Rani didn't Like it. He felt sudden Jealousy and walked up to Jabari and punched him freeing Rani from His grip "you ok?" Kion asked "yeah yeah..." Rani said. Jabari punched Kion. And they continued to fight each other. Ono and Bunga saw this and Tried to stop the fight "stop it!" Rani and Bunga. Ono called the Principal "Mister Kion! Mister Jabari! In my Office now!" Principal Rafiki said and they went to his Office "ok Who started this Fight?" RAFIKI asked "it was that bastard" Jabari Said "I wouldn't have punched you if you weren't Harassing Rani" kion said "Mister Jabari is this true!?" Principal Rafiki said "No i didn't Principal he's Lying!" Jabari said "Don't act Innocent Jabari" Rani said "Jabari you are Suspended for 8 months" Rafiki said "what But that's too long!" Jabari said "suspended or Expelled? Take your things and Leave" Rafiki said and Jabari Stormed out of the Office and took his stuff. Rani and Kion walked out of The office "thanks For Saving Me Earlier" Rani said "No problem Rani your My friend. Friends Help Friends" kion said

Thanks for reading this Chapter ♥️♥️♥️

Word count: 1082

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