1.2 First Day Drama

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Istg, writing with spotify playlist on >>>

Students were flocking and chattering away in first day breakfast, telling about the holidays and the scenes.

Mindless chattering, with clinking of cutlery and aroma of fresh food, tea and coffee was in the air.

"Morning, kids." Shubman greeted and sitting on his chair, put toasts in his plate with a generous amount of butter and jam.


"Morning, Oberoi."

"What do we have for first class- oh Merlin no. Not Charms!" Ishan wailed, checking the schedule "I don't want to see my sister looking at Professor James as if he's the Greek God."

"Shut up, she has got eyes only for me." Shubman slammed his back playfully and gave a wink at Sana, who chuckled at the flirting.

He's a clown.

"Chuck it, Shubman. You're a weirdo."

"As if you're not."


Ishan was smiling thoroughly, internally, at his sister's animated talk and bantering with Shubman.

At least she isn't moping over what she shouldn't and she and Shubman are back to their weird friendship!

After what pain they went because of the Ministry of Magic in break, she deserves to be in a good bubble.

He will never forget the minister for breaking the family's hopes of finding their father's whereabouts.

"You okay?"

She turned to him.

The telepathic connection of twins.

They feel each other's emotions at times.

"Yeah, monkey. I am."

"Mahi? Can I ask you something?" Washington asked, after much thought and pokings of Riyan.

"Yeah, what?" Mahi was bewildered.

What is he going to ask all of a sudden?

Steam was coming out of her ears.

"UH-UH- will you sign up for our-"

Riyan facepalmed.

Can't strike up a proper conversation! Idiot.

Washi couldn't continue as there was a sudden yell of "Silence."

"4th years, attention please. Kindly assemble in Defense Against Dark Arts Classroom after lunch today. The next period after that, 5th years should do that. Tomorrow, same slots, 6th and 7th ones." Professor Alexandria Efron, the deputy headmistress, came and announced all of a sudden, "Just two days of disruption, then back to the routine given.

The first to third years wondered excitedly, but most of the seniors looked scared.

"I jinxed it yesterday, didn't I? When I said I wish for a peaceful year?" Riyan said, with a face of mixed emotions.

"You did." The  whole Gryffindor table chorused.

"First year, a teacher as impostor, back stabber, second year, surviving fire and mishaps, third, unidentified attacks in school, what this year? The students forming an army and fighting the Evil directly?" Abhishek cried out.

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