1.5 Oh Well-

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"On account of the unfortunate incident that happened today, we're increasing the security of this place. Passwords of all entranced are going to be changed weekly from now on. All secret entrances are going to be closed and special charms will be set up in important places. Teachers, Heads and Prefects are going to be more tight in their duties. No creeping out in the night. Also charm your respective dorms and belongings..."

Abhishek and Ishan looked and listened with bored face, until they began throwing peas at their friend's heads and backs.

Dev looked intrigued. Breaching the security of infamous Hogwarts.


Loads on plate now.

Well, the more, the merrier.

Amidst the hubbub, after a long lecture of do's and don'ts, the students retired to bed.


"So, what lie should I write in the parchment, I deciphered nothing in the crystal ball!" Neha huffed.

"Next week, you might fall from the stairs. Write it." Ishan mumbled, scribbling on his own, with his brows furrowed.

Now who the hell decided Divination to be a subject?

Saakshi who had opted Arithmancy instead of Divination, fussed over being asked again and again about choices for predictions.

And apparently, it wasn't just the clique, but most of those who took Divination, were in the library, scratching their thick skulls for that.

"We have to make sure none of us write the same predictions!" Joshua, fondly called Josh, a Hufflepuff, cried in the air, earning sighs, cries of exasperation and scratching of paper, the last one being testament of many jotting down same ideas.

"Am already failing this. Am not writing anything for divination. Bye." Riyan huffed, getting up.

"Switch to muggle studies. It's cool for thick headed."

"Self- realization is nice, Abhay." Riyan snapped at the playful jab.

"He tops in the subjects, Riyan. The jab doesn't suffice." Haiya chuckled and high fived with Abhishek, in the air, earning huffs from the one mentioned.

"Guys, it's time for the Quidditch game!" Sana yelled, checking the clock.

Riyan pulled Washi up and they ran towards the locker room, where the team would assemble before the match.

While the rest went to the bleachers after transporting their bags to their dorms.

Washington was not the kind of person who believed in showing his feelings through his actions. He barely spoke nonsense or his is heart out, he chose his words carefully, all the time, but now that it's about Mahi Khanna, whom he fancies, he thinks he needs to be unfiltered. And gather the courage to ask out.

He had asked his friends for tips, but rather than being helpful, they're  busy teasing him. Sigh.

He had known Mahi for a while now. They had first met at Ollivanders, and had a shared a laugh there at another kid's clumsiness. Joining Hogwarts, the first though he had seeing her in sorting line was to wish for both of them to be in same house, and it was fulfilled. e enjoyed her company, her infectious laughter, her insightful thoughts, which were a rarity and her compassion. Before joining Hogwarts, he didn't had any friend or someone who he could talk with freely and share secrets and feels, but now he has. He realized that he wanted to spend more time with her, not just as friends but something more. He wanted to ask her out on a date.

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