1.3 The Headmaster's Prophecy and & DADA Class

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Before you begin, chappals are welcome.

Short update because I've been busy.

It was past midnight and no soul was wandering in the corridors of Hogwarts, except the ghosts and house-elves.

The silence of the moonlit night was broken by brisk, calculative footsteps of an woman in her early sixties, Alexandria Efron, the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts.

Getting out of her chamber in Gryffindor Tower, with her everlasting aura, she walked towards the chambers and Office of the Headmaster.

"DAISIESAREGOATS" she mumbled the password and the statue blocking the entrance, moved aside, letting her enter the chambers.

The headmaster, Albert Lorenzo Bearman, was in his seventies. Not a single black hair could be spotted in his long hairs and beard. 

Being straightforward, Efron asked, "They got sorted, what now?"

"Let them be what they are, Alexandria. They're kids, after all. With due course of time they'll learn and accept all, being the geniuses are, and according to prophecy."

"I trust Patrick and Virag, but isn't it unsafe because traitors may be lurking around here too?"

" I guess that's why the sorting is done and there's a room of requirement?"

"I just hope they don't lose themselves in the process."

"They won't."

The Slytherin common room was dimly lit, with the only source of light being the fireplace. And there was not a soul present expect Dev Ahuja, who was lying on an arm chair beside the fire.

Dev was exhausted. Exhausted of the pretense and burden on his shoulders. OF all the looks, students of all the looks students of other houses gave him because he was a Slytherin. All Slytherins aren't bad. And he isn't too.

And he has his own reasons to be cocky. It helps to keep the facade intact.

He is here to help in protecting not just Hogwarts, but the entire Magical World.

Even if it means losing himself in the process.

Abhishek sat on the window sill and flipped the page of the old book he was trying to read.

He was trying to get some information about the bizarre divination class he'd be attending in morning, but  almost every sentence bounced over his head.

Something caught his eyes. Something flashed in the Forbidden Forest. Twice.

What is this now.

He took out his Sneakoscope and pointed it towards the forest and as he expected, it lit up, spun and whistled.

Light was flashing on and off in the forest.

"BOYS!" he yelled.

Abhishek, Ishan, Washi, Shubman and Riyan share a dorm room.

" What happened?Why aren't you sleeping-wait, what's that?" Washi rubbed his eyes, alarmed at the Sneakoscope and the light flashes out in the forest.

"The adventure begins."

"No no. Not interest to be expelled this year." Shubman shrieked.

"Death seems a better option according to you?" Ishan snapped.

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