1.4 Patronus and Theft?

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Bust days are back so short update.

I barely get time to relax, typing updates toh door ki baat hai. :(

Mahi knocked on the door of the chamber.

Professor Jayesh Khanna, Mahi's father, who taught History of Magic in Hogwarts was a renowned Auror before he decided to join the school to teach. He was on the Good Side, in The Great Battle, and had a prominent role by slaying two right hands of the Evil Duo.

He was a Hufflepuff, the Sorting Hat rightly sorted and predicted his loyalty, years ago before the life changing, devastating battle.

"Come in, beta."

Mahi entered and sat on a chair beside her father.

"Here, have some coffee and cookies."

"Thanks, Dad."

"So, what are you and your friends up to, this year?" He was playful.

"Nothing much. Uhm-can I ask you something?

"Sure beta."

She narrates about Virag and what he told her in class.

Jayesh thought for a while before replying, 

"It is not much known but Virag had OWL in Divination too. He just didn't pursue it for NEWT. He is an excellent seer and has saved many lives with it."

"But why did he say am more brave-"

"Time will tell."

They talked for some more time, until Mahi excused herself and went back to the tower, with a box of cookies for her friends.


"Oye dekh ke chal na! Uchal kyu rahi hai!" Riyan yelled after Neha, who while hurrying towards DADA class, had shoved him from the way.

"Thought of some good moments in your life?" Riyan asked, turning to Haiya, who had her nose buried in DADA textbook.

"Am nervous-"

"So am I, but I guess you'll save our points."

The class began an the pairs stood with each other.

"Calm your soul, close your eyes, remember happy times, moments and people." Virag's voice was soothing.

"I- I can't think of happy memories-I-"

Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead.

Haiya opened her eyes hearing his heavy boys.

She pressed his palm lightly, "Breathe in breathe out. Do you remember how Ishan dyed Sana's hairs pink for a week? Or Abhishek slipped on the banana peels you had set for Washi? And he chased you around the hall only for you to fall flat before Professor Efron? Or when you won the Quidditch Cup?"

Riyan relaxed.

"What's your memory, Oberoi?" Jessica asked, smugly.

"The buldger hitting Slytherins."

Jessica huffed in annoyance, tightening her grip on the wand.

"Open your eyes, now, class."

"Why are you staring at my face, Ahuja?"

"Assessing you."

"Oi, stop poking your wand on my neck, Ishan!" Neha snapped, turning back.

Ishan was poking the wand on her back instead of pointing in the air.

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