Hirano and Kagiura - Dead Phone, No Charging - Part I

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Something is off with this picture?

It was one of those unusual things that has bound to happen.

The boy with blue eyes and blond hair was irritated at his black cellular phone. "Jeez...why is it not charging?" He thought.

It was after high school.

The blond-haired boy would have his phone to charge before studying on his desk.

For what is unfortunate about his black cellular phone...

It's still under thirty percent of his cell phone for couple hours.

His black cellphone has a charger plugged in, but it's not charging its phone battery.

The poor boy with blue eyes grumbles at it.

Another boy, who is taller than the blond one, noticed his frustration.

The boy with green eyes and black hair was baffled at him. "Hirano...? Are you okay there?" He wondered.

The two boys are living in the dorm together.

In fact, they are roommates.

Hirano huffs before he mutters, "Darn it..."

The boys with short black hair tilts his head to his right. "Hirano, what's the problem?" He wondered again, getting more curious.

The boy with slightly medium blond hair took a deep breath. Hirano realizes that his roommate was beginning to worry. The boy with blue eyes made his small smile. But Hirano looks more annoyed than his usual grin. "It's really nothing, Kagi." He ultimately replied.

Kagi is Hirano's roommate's nickname for Kagiura.

The boy with green eyes became pouty. Kagiura's eyebrows are furrowed. "That is not nothing!" He complained.

Hirano gets astonished, raising his left eyebrow. "What the heck are you sulky at me for?!" He inquired in his exclamation.

And then, Hirano was annoyed, spreading his arms like it was not a big deal. "All I said was 'It's really nothing'!" He argued.

Suddenly, Kagiura was not convinced.

The boy with green eyes walked to him. Kagiura was resolute. "Ten seconds!" He exclaims.

Hirano becomes surprised. "What? Right now?" He asked.

Kagiura offered his left hand to him. "Ten seconds! Right now!" He answered.

Hirano was annoyed again. "Kagi, we're not playing! I got to study!" He protests.

Kagiura was becoming sulkier by the second. "Something's bothering you! And I can see it thru your eyes!" He vented.

Hirano was getting redder on his face in an instant. "Jeez! What has gotten into him?! Does he seriously think he can see right thru me?! No way! Again, what's his-" His intense thoughts got interrupted by his roommate.

Kagiura shut his eyes and embraced him tightly with his both arms. The boy with short black hair curls his hands into a pair of fists. "Hirano!" He exclaimed in his concerning voice.

The boy with blue eyes was stunned for a few moments. Hirano's face began to get dark red like a lipstick.

Kagiura was serious. "I know there's something wrong with you! I wanted to help you with whatever the problem you're having! Like seconds ago!" He exclaimed in his concerning voice again.

And then, Kagiura opened his eyes halfway up. The boy with green eyes was melancholy. "Are you sick? Stuck with your study? Family trouble?" He asks many questions like it was a matter of life and death.

And suddenly, Kagiura pulled himself away from Hirano. Kagiura became dismayed. His eyes are fully green. "Wait...Are...Are your folks have homophobia or what?" He gasped in his inquiry.

Hirano immediately began to get ticked off at him. "What the heck are you talking about?!" He ranted.

Hirano points the things out at him. "Nothing's wrong with me! It's my cell phone, darn it! It wouldn't charge!" He explained in his explanation.

Kagiura becomes perplexed at him, blinking his eyes twice. "Your phone's not charging?" He tries to ask again.

Hirano shook his head a few times. His right hand was placed on his head. "No, not a single thing." He answers finally.

Kagiura looked over his roommate's black cell phone.

The boy with green eyes had a sweat-drop on his head. "Uh...Hirano...I think your phone went dead..." He muttered.

Hirano glances at his cellular phone in appalled. "What?!" He freaked out.

Hirano picked up his black cellphone. After he attempts to push random buttons, the poor boy with blue eyes recognized something.

Hirano made his alarmed expression. His forehead was turning blue. Fear was written all over his face. "Seriously?! My phone died on me?!" He whispered in his angry voice.

Kagiura was fearful. "Uh oh...Hirano's being scary again...!" He thought in his panic voice.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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