Komi Can't Communicate - Red Panda at the Zoo Part III

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Isamu the red panda was exhausted from moving around the area a lot.

After a while of resting, Isamu looks out the display window.

The red panda became baffled at the girl with long black hair.

What is she doing?

Komi put her smartphone away. The girl with long black hair raises her arms in the air.

Komi was emotionless yet a little more gentle. "Eee..." she squeaked but in her low voice.

Isamu's pointy ears lifts up.

The red panda looks at her slowly.

And then, Isamu makes her squeaky animal sound at Komi.

The girl with long black hair made her 'Eee' squeak sound again.

The red panda repeats its squeaky animal noise.

Isamu gets up gradually.

The red panda walks to Komi steadily.

Isamu lifted up her two front paws.


The red panda squeaked out loud.

The girl with long black hair repeated the red panda stance and made the 'eee' sound again.

And ultimately, Isamu the red panda and Komi poses their arms in the air in sync.

The zookeeper woman was cheerful at her and the red panda. "Hey, I haven't seen Isamu taking a liking to your friend. She usually doesn't take it easy while moving so much." She stated.

Tadano made his glad smile at his girlfriend. The boy with black short hair brought out his smartphone. "Yeah." He said.

Tadano focuses his smartphone more than just the red panda. "It's okay to stop yourself from exercising for once. It's really all right to take a break." He assures.

Tadano snapshot his smartphone more than one time.

Later on, Tadano and Komi are on the picnic table.

He tapped her left shoulder. "I'm going to grab drinks for us." Tadano mentioned.

She nodded her head nervously twice at him.

Tadano was grinning. "How about tea?" He offers.

Komi nodded her head at him again twice. "Y-Yes, please." She accepts.

The boy with black short hair walks to the tea stand halfway.

Tadano halts for one moment to open up his smartphone.

The girl with long black hair waits patiently for him to return with drinks.

For a few seconds, Komi heard her smartphone buzzed.

She checked her smartphone touchscreen.

It was a text message from Tadano.

Komi becomes curious that she opens up her smartphone.

When Komi opened the text message app, there was a picture of her with the red panda, raising their arms together in the air.

And then, they are happiness in the picture.

The girl with long black hair smiles sweetly at it.

The boy with black short hair came back with green tea drinks in plastic cups.

Tadano offered to her. "Here, Komi." He said.

She glanced at him. Komi took the cup from Tadano. "Thanks, Tadano." She said.

He notices that his girlfriend has already checked out her smartphone.

Tadano sits down with her. "Yeah, I know you're having a hard time taking a picture with the red panda earlier. So, I figured I took it. That way, we'll both remember this day to the zoo. I wanted to because I'm your boyfriend." He explained.

Komi became surprised and blushing at the same time. She covered her mouth with her hands. Komi shut her eyes, out of embarrassment.

Tadano ultimately realizes what he did for her. He repeated the same expression from his girlfriend.

Tadano was screaming of joy in his head.

No matter how embarrassing they are, Tadano and Komi are still remain a good couple.

Thanks for reading! Notes before 'Hirano & Kagiura' oneshot soon! Thank you again!

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