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Charlotte hated being home alone. Mia was still travelling, popping back and forth, and the kids were with their Dad tonight. There were still lots of tasks that needed completing for the upcoming summer fair - banners, posters, goodie bags etc. So Charlotte had offered to help and had asked Marjorie if she could stay late so she could use the classroom space and supplies. Marjorie was happy for her to do so, and was actually staying late herself in the office to sort through some old paperwork that needed digitising.

It felt good for Charlotte to keep busy, and she felt strangely comforted by the fact that Marjorie was upstairs in the office. When she heard the door of the classroom opening, she just assumed it was Marjorie coming to check up on her so she didn't even turn around immediately. She panicked as soon as she felt a hand clamping over her mouth and someone pushing their body up against her back.

"Hey gorgeous. You really are working late aren't you?" she immediately recognised Dom's voice.

Charlotte tried to scream, but she stopped when Dom dragged her head back roughly and whispered in her ear "you scream, I put my hands around that pretty little neck of yours and squeeze, alright?" He took his hand away slowly, trusting her to behave as he wanted. He grabbed Charlotte by the hips and shoved her towards the closest desk. She was much smaller than him, so the force of this sent her flying down onto the floor. She tried to stop herself from falling instinctively, but it twisted her wrist as she put her hand out.

"Don't worry beautiful, I'm gonna fix you." Dom took the opportunity to get on top of the helpless woman. "I don't know what your husband's problem was, but you didn't have to start fucking women. I mean I'd like to see that sometime, but you can't be holding out like that, it's such a waste. It's a shame that lovely Mia doesn't work here anymore, theres plenty of me to go round."

Charlottes heart was beating so hard she thought her chest was about to burst open. When he mentioned Mia, she felt a flash of anger. Not only was he doing this to her, he wanted to hurt Mia too. She tried to push against him, but even without her injured wrist it would have been no use.

As he hurt her, she thought of her children and how they needed their Mum, so she had to keep quiet and get out of this alive. She thought of Mia - her gentle touch and her baby blue eyes. Where was Mia right now? Was she missing Charlotte, dreaming of the next time they would see each other?

After he was done, he wasted no time rearranging his clothing. He took one last look at Charlotte and smirked, thinking how pathetic she looked sat on the floor like that. He'd always thought she was a pushover, but she had more fight in her than he originally thought. Not that it mattered, she never could have fought him off.

"Don't tell anyone about that beautiful. Don't forget, you've been acting like a whore in the car park, fucking a woman - nobody's going to believe you. Plus, you know what will happen." He put his hands around his own throat in an overdramatic fashion, then laughed as he sauntered out of the door.

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