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My Darling Mia,

I know it would have been better for you if you'd never met me. Selfishly, I am grateful that the stars did align and bring us together, because nobody has ever made me feel as loved as you have.

I'm not afraid to die because I know it's the best thing I can do now, for everyone. My beautiful girls, you, my family, my friends - you will all be better off without me. It may not seem like it at first but I promise you, one day you'll see that I'm right. I'm damaged and I don't want the people I love to be burdened by me anymore - I want you to live and be happy, free from my poison.

I don't know what happens after we leave this earth, but it must be better than this torture. If I end up in a place where I'm able to miss things, I'll miss your beautiful eyes the most. I'll miss your gentle touch and the way you dance like nobody's watching. I'm going to tell the stars all about you Mia.

Please don't blame yourself. I'm doing this to set you free - you deserve to fly.

Thank you for loving me so completely, even though I didn't deserve it. I love you and I'm so sorry I've let you down.

Love forever and always, your sweetheart in every universe and every lifetime.



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