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Marjorie absolutely hated paperwork. She'd set this evening aside to get through all this crap once and for all. Before she knew it, she looked up at the clock and it was half nine. She'd been strict with herself and left her phone in a drawer - she checked and saw she had a missed called from Reece. She hit the call back button.

"Hey, sorry I missed your call, I was in the zone" she laughed. "Can you come and pick me up?" Reece had driven them both to work that day, and he text her earlier saying he'd get her whenever she was ready.

As Reece approached the nursery, he thought it was strange that one of the classroom lights was on. He headed to the office and immediately said "hey beautiful. You know there's a light on in one of the classrooms downstairs?"

Marjorie thought for a minute, then suddenly realised - Charlotte. She'd totally forgotten that she was staying behind too. It suddenly struck her that Charlotte hadn't popped up to say hello, but then again, maybe she forgot that anyone else was there as well.

"Yeah Charlotte stayed behind to get some summer fair prep done. She must have left the light on, she can't still be at it."

"I'll sort it, I'll meet you in reception" Reece replied, turning to head back downstairs.

As he approached the classroom he suddenly felt anxious. What brought that on? He brushed it off, but when he reached out to grab the door handle he could have sworn he heard someone crying. He pushed the door open still expecting to find an empty classroom, it was probably just his mind playing tricks. What he saw instead knocked all the air out of his chest.

Charlotte was sat on the floor, sobbing into her hands. Her sweet flowery sundress was bunched up around her waist and her tights were pulled down. Reece rushed over to her and threw himself down onto the floor, asking desperately "Charlotte, what's wrong, what happened?"

He could see the blood, and he wasn't stupid. Why did he even ask her that? Reece felt like he was going to throw up. Charlotte had been so kind to him, listening to his endless issues and offering advice. They bickered like siblings while simultaneously being completely comfortable with each other. It was his turn to show up for her now, he needed to be strong for her.

He took off his jacket and placed it gently over her legs, at least then she wouldn't feel so exposed. He wanted to reach out and hold her, but he wasn't sure if that's what she wanted. She finally moved her hands from her face and he could see how swollen and red her eyes were. She leant forward slightly then completely collapsed against him, in response he wrapped one arm around her tightly and grabbed his phone with the other.

"I'm going to call Marjorie to come down here, is that ok?" He felt her nodding against his chest. As soon as Marjorie answered he said "please come down, Charlotte needs you." He didn't know how to explain exactly what had happened on the phone. It felt like mere seconds later, Marjorie came bursting through the door - she stopped in her tracks as soon as she saw Reece and Charlotte on the floor.

I Might Seem So Strong - (TNN - MATURE & UPSETTING THEMES)Where stories live. Discover now