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Dear Autumn,

You may not realise but I hold you so very close to my heart. I know what you did for me and I will never, ever forget it.

The world has been so cruel to you and yet you are so strong. You deserved so much more, sweet girl. I hope you are proud of the person you've become - are you? It's so hard but you can let go now, Winters got you and you are finally safe. I'm so pleased that I've been able to witness you finally receiving the love that you deserve. You will both be wonderful parents one day.

Reece would never tell you this but when you were children, you were the reason that little boys heart kept on beating. He is devoted to you - he needs you. Don't let go of each other this time.

I know my decision will make no sense to you but I promise that it's the right one. You don't need to be burdened by me - worrying and trying to protect me all of the time. One day, I know you'll get it.

Please take care Autumn.

Please let others look after you. You are so loved and you are never alone.

Please smile every day. You have no idea how beautiful your smile is. Then again, the rarest things usually are the most stunning.

Love always,



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