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Eventually, after several hours of talking and coaxing, Charlotte had been convinced to speak to the police. She'd had to be examined at the hospital but they'd let Marjorie stay with her. Thankfully, the nursery did have CCTV in the car park so they knew there would be evidence of Dom's arrival and departure.

On the way back from the hospital Charlotte could feel her phone vibrating. It was Mia. She wanted to answer so desperately, but she couldn't. She was terrified that hearing Mia's voice would send her into a spiral, because all she wanted was to feel Mia's arms wrapped around her. Marjorie had told her that the red head was on her way back - she'd spoken to her while Charlotte was sleeping apparently. She sent Mia a text, which seemed so ridiculous in this situation but it was all she could think of.

"I can't talk right now, I'm really struggling and I can't bear the idea of hearing your voice before you can hold me. I'm so sorry Mia, I love you so much. Please forgive me x"

She immediately received a text back.

"Please don't be sorry Sweetheart I understand. I'll be back in a few hours, then I can hold you forever. I'm never going to leave you again Char, I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I love you more than anything xxx"

Arriving back at Majorie's, Charlotte felt relieved to resume her previous position on the sofa. While she'd been at the hospital, Reece had contacted her ex husband for her and explained the situation. Reece thought he sounded like a nice guy, and although he and Charlotte weren't together anymore he seemed genuinely distraught to hear what had happened. He said he was fine to keep the girls as long as was needed and thanked Reece for calling, asking to be kept updated. Charlotte couldn't bear the idea of her girls seeing her like this, it would frighten them. When she'd looked in the car mirror earlier she didn't even recognise herself.

Winter was still at Marjorie's too and as Friday night became Saturday morning, everyone took turns between fitful sleep and watching Charlotte. They tried to coax her upstairs into a bedroom, but she didn't want to - she seemed happy on the sofa.

She was half asleep again when she heard a frantic voice.

"I don't know where she is. She's not answering her phone, I think she's switched it off." It was Winter.

"What the fuck is she doing?" Reece replied, obviously trying to keep his voice down.

"You saw how angry she was. I'm really worried, she's completely unhinged when she's angry." Marjorie sounded like she was about to cry again.

A sudden knocking at the door startled everyone in unison. Charlotte sat up suddenly, causing Reece to rush over and sit next to her. He kept worrying about her bandaged wrist, he was convinced she was going to forget about it and cause further injury to herself. Clearly he knew her too well.

Marjorie answered the door expecting to see Autumn. But it wasn't her deputy standing at the door.

It was Mia.

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