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Charlotte wasn't really taking anything in - she felt like she was dreaming. She could hear Reece's heartbeat as she leant against his chest. She could hear Marjorie crying. Reece was asking her a question, he sounded a million miles away.

"Have you called the police?" He continued "do you need an ambulance?"

Charlotte started shaking her head aggressively, "no, no police. I just want to leave, please can we just leave?"

Marjorie was the next to speak. "Ok my love, you're coming to mine." With that, Marjorie and Reece helped Charlotte stand. Marjorie knew her friend was in no fit state to help herself, so she did what she could to sort her clothing.

Everything passed in a daze, Charlotte didn't even remember coming outside or getting into the car. She felt like a child, huddled in the back wrapped in Reece's coat, while Marjorie and Reece talked frantically. She could hear Marjorie calling her name again

"Charlotte, can I call Autumn? I think she should know, and we could use her help." Charlotte wasn't even sure what Marjorie meant by that, but she had a feeling that Autumns support would be the thing to get both Marjorie and Reece through, more than her. So the brunette nodded, then finally spoke "please can you call Mia for me too?"

"Yes of course my love."

After they arrived at Marjorie's she did call Mia, swiftly followed by Autumn. Mia had been distraught and wanted to speak to Charlotte, but Marjorie advised her that her girlfriend had fallen asleep on the sofa, now wrapped in a blanket, exhausted from crying.

"Autumns on her way now, she's with Winter. Mia said she's coming back too, she'll be here as soon as she can" Marjorie told Reece, wishing for the first time in her life that she could see the red head sooner.

A short while later, Marjorie answered the door to Autumns loud knocking. Her deputy looked absolutely livid and Winter was stood just slightly behind her looking completely distraught. As they came inside and spotted Charlotte, still sleeping, Autumn spoke.

"Who did this to her?" she was practically frothing at the mouth, to the point even Reece realised he had never seen her so angry.

"We don't know, she hasn't really said much yet." He replied. "Aut you need to calm down, Char needs us to hold strong for her and keep calm."

"Calm down? Reece, I'm going to murder someone, how fucking dare they touch her." Autumn rarely swore but she was currently fighting the urge to punch the wall, so swearing was the least of her worries.

"Autumn?" Charlottes voice was so quiet she sounded like a child. Everyone looked over at her, surprised. She was awake.

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