Chapter 2

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"I can't believe the welcome party is already the day after tomorrow." Lin, our friend, groaned as we arrived, Ruby, her, and I, in the main courtyard of the school. "It feels like I've spent half of the school holidays arguing with angry electricians and caterers." she added, sighing.

As the three of us were responsible for the organizing committee, we had spent months preparing for the welcome party, which would be one of the most important evenings of the year.

"We'll all be relieved when it's over. I can't wait for our organizing skills to finally be recognized by everyone." Ruby declared.

"And what if something goes wrong?" I worried, feeling the stress starting to rise.

I knew we had worked hard and that our efforts would pay off and be rewarded. However, life is full of uncertainty and surprises, so I couldn't help but think about the consequences if this evening didn't go as planned.

Ruby shook her head with a confident smile. "Don't worry. We've planned everything down to the smallest detail. Nothing can go wrong."

Lin nodded, trying to reassure me. "She's right."

I took a deep breath. "Yes, you're right. Have you checked if the DJ has all his equipment?"

Ruby opened her agenda to check. "Yes, he confirmed this morning. He'll be there with all his gear."

Lin checked her task list. "And the decorations? Has everything arrived?"

I smiled, reassured. "Yes, the decoration team delivered everything last night. They'll decorate the venue starting tomorrow. It will be beautiful. All we have to do now is to refine the details and make sure everyone knows what to do."

"What wouldn't we do for a good CV." Lin added with a complicit wink.

Ruby looked up from her agenda and smiled as she closed it. "We'll deserve a relaxing evening after all this work."

Suddenly, I stopped abruptly, my expression changing from relaxed to concerned. "Oh crap!"

Lin and Ruby looked at me surprised. "What's wrong?" Lin asked.

"Ruby, we completely forgot to meet Mr. Sutton!" I began, my face relaxing slightly as I remembered. "He suggested to Ruby that we meet him after classes to discuss our letter of recommendation." I explained to Lin.

Lin shrugged, a encouraging smile on her lips. "You still have time. Go find him now, and we'll take care of the final details at the meeting."

Ruby and I quickly thanked her before turning around and rushing to our classroom. We hurried through the corridors, fearing that Mr. Sutton might have lost patience and left the school. When we reached our classroom floor, we were breathless, but we gradually caught our breath.

"Do you think he's still here?" Ruby asked, her anxious eyes scanning the classroom doors.

"I hope so." I replied, glancing quickly at my watch. "It's not too late yet."

We cautiously approached the classroom door, and in our hurry, we didn't even think to knock. Ruby opened the door with a quick gesture, and we found ourselves facing a shocking scene.

Mr. Sutton was there, but he wasn't alone. Lydia, my former best friend, stood beside him. Our eyes widened as we caught them passionately kissing.

Lydia recoiled abruptly, her face shifting from surprise to embarrassment, while Mr. Sutton quickly straightened up, visibly disturbed.

"What the...?" I stuttered, unable to hide my shock.

"Olivia, Ruby, this isn't what you think." Mr. Sutton stammered, visibly searching for his words.

I felt my heart pounding, anger and confusion mingling within me. "What is Lydia doing here?" I asked myself.

Lydia opened her mouth to say something, but Mr. Sutton interrupted her. "It was a mistake, I admit."

"A mistake?" I replied, incredulous. "You were kissing!"

Lydia seemed to want to say something, but words failed her. I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts.

"We came to talk about our letter of recommendation."Ruby said in a trembling voice. "But it seems this isn't the right time."

Mr. Sutton ran a nervous hand through his hair. "I understand you're upset. I promise it won't happen again. We'll talk about your letter tomorrow, okay?"

Ruby and I exchange a glance, then I shake my head. "That won't be necessary."

I grab my friend's hand, who looks extremely embarrassed, and we leave the classroom. Once in the hallway, Ruby whispers, "That was... unexpected."

"That's an understatement."I reply, still in shock.

Even as a child, Lydia was a girl who, without really looking for it, found herself in the worst situations. Everything she undertook or touched seemed to inevitably turn into chaos, even when she hadn't asked for it. Accidents, misunderstandings, and delicate situations followed her everywhere. Yet, what I had just discovered surpassed anything I could have imagined.

The scene Ruby and I stumbled upon when entering the classroom—Lydia passionately kissing Mr. Sutton—was of unprecedented gravity. A wave of shock and anger rose within me. It was obvious that if this affair were to become known, the consequences for Lydia would be disastrous.

It was much more than just another incident in Lydia's long list of misadventures. This was a potentially destructive situation, not only for her but also for Mr. Sutton, whose career could be put to the test if this mishap were to escape our lips. There was no doubt, this discovery had the potential to destroy lives.

Ruby and I continue to walk in silence, both immersed in our thoughts. The shocked expression on our faces doesn't seem to fade. However, as we get closer to Lin, I grab Ruby's hand again and force her to face me.

"We can't tell anyone about this." I say firmly.

She looks at me, perplexed. I know her well, if I ask her not to say anything, she won't. But deep down, I can sense the desire to expose this sordid situation eating away at her.

"Fine. But you should stop protecting people who hurt you." she says before letting go of my hand and heading towards our friend, all smiles.

As Ruby walks away, I feel a pang of guilt. Maybe she's right, but for now, it is the only way I can protect Lydia, even though she does not deserve my kindness . I take a deep breath and follow Ruby, trying to push aside the turmoil of emotions swirling within me. We have a welcome party to finish, and distractions like this can't get in the way.

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