Chapter 4

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Nearly six hours have passed since the incident with Professor Sutton and Lydia. Despite all my efforts to banish these images from my mind, they continue to loop incessantly. Every moment, the memories of this morning invade my thoughts, bringing to the surface every detail. Moreover, the confrontation with James does nothing to help me pretend that nothing happened.

I never would have imagined, not even vaguely, reconnecting with a member of the Beaufort family. And yet, here I am now, linked not only to Lydia but also to her brother.

A completely unexpected turn of events, contradictory to my plans: focusing on my goals, avoiding conflicts, and above all, staying invisible to everyone's eyes. After challenging James, I am aware that he won't give up and will try to make my life miserable. I still don't know what form his attacks will take, but he always has a plan in mind. I'm satisfied with standing my ground and not giving in, but I'm already afraid of the consequences of my actions, and I can't help but think about what he might be considering.

These thoughts have haunted me for hours, and I curse myself for not being able to rid my mind of them. The welcome party is scheduled for tomorrow evening, and although it's the most crucial aspect I should focus on, I can't seem to do so.

"Are you still coming over for dinner tonight?" Ruby asks as we walk side by side, leaving Maxton Hall.

Her tone is imbued with a familiar sweetness, reflecting the warmth and kindness that characterize moments spent with her family. It's become a habit for me to be welcomed every evening at the Bell's, especially when my mother works late, leaving me often alone at home.

"Absolutely. As long as it's not a problem for your parents." I reply.

"Not at all, quite the contrary! My parents are thrilled you're coming." she responds with a warm smile. "And besides, we'll all cook together tonight, as we often do. Is that okay with you?"

She asks the question with such assurance that I can't help but smile in return, grateful for this family I consider my own, who always welcome me with such generosity.

"Perfect." I reply with a sincere smile.

We continue our way, chatting happily, until a familiar voice calls out to us from behind. "Hey girls!" exclaims Amber, Ruby's younger sister, with her characteristic energy, as she catches up to us.

A wide smile lights up my face as she sidles up next to me, flashing me a radiant smile, while her sister, wearing the same smile, furrows her brows slightly, curious and amused.

"Aren't you supposed to be in math class?" Ruby asks, perplexed.

"Mrs. Venze lost it because Victor signed her up for Tinder during class. She let us out early."explains Amber, visibly delighted.

Ruby and I exchange surprised glances. A burst of laughter escapes me, tinged with a hint of nostalgia at the mention of our former math teacher.

"Admit it, you miss our old school when you hear stories like this." adds Amber, spinning around as a teenager passes by.

She blinks, her smile growing even wider. The young man and she exchange knowing smiles before parting ways. Amber turns back to us, continuing to walk by our side. We all burst into laughter, and I playfully nudge her to the side.

I particularly admire her for her ability to follow her desires without caring about others' judgments. She constantly emphasizes that she refuses to limit herself, often acting on her own whims, even very often.

"Are you going home to change before going to work?" Amber asks her sister.

Ruby nods. Two years ago, we both landed jobs at a small café near our home. Initially, the owner couldn't hire both of us because he didn't need so many employees. But thanks to our proposal to work alternately—one day for her, one day for me—we both got the job. This strategy allowed us to not only share our tasks at work but also our incomes, which turned out to be a practical solution for both of us.

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