Chapter 5

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Today is shaping up to be very busy. After a night of reflection, I decided to take control of the events that slipped away from me. Ruby and I had just retrieved the documents she had handed over to Mr. Sutton. If anyone found out that he had a relationship with one of his students, his letter of recommendation would lose all value. Instead, we decided to approach the principal, who is a reliable source. However, this won't be an easy task as we are now very late to request a recommendation, something he will likely not fail to point out.

"Why don't you go back to Sutton for another letter?" Lin asks us.

Ruby sighs. "You know... we mixed up some documents and now he doesn't have time for that."

"It's really messed up," adds our friend.

"It's our fault, okay? And besides, we found another solution, so everything's fine," I say.

"Since that thing with Beaufort, you two are completely off. Can you tell me what happened?"

Although the three of us are very close, Ruby and I decided to keep this matter secret and not to tell anyone. This includes not only the few curious ones who have already asked us questions but also our friend in whom we have great trust. If we want to give the impression that nothing happened, that was the best solution. This decision was not easy for me, knowing that another lie would be added to my already long list. Since Lin started hanging out with us, I've had several opportunities to talk to her about my past. However, I never had the courage to do it, afraid that if one more person knew, the rumor that the Martin girl no one has heard of for years is actually attending Maxton Hall High School would spread. I dreaded the consequences it could have on my life and those around me, preferring to keep this secret buried.

Lin stares at us, waiting for a response.

"Nothing happened. Absolutely nothing at all," I tell her, while Ruby nods in agreement.

She looks at us, and I can see in her eyes that she's not entirely convinced. I know her well enough to know that she's dying to say something, but seeing our falsely detached expressions, she refrains from saying anything.

We continue to walk in silence through the corridors until she changes the subject and resumes the conversation.

"I bet no one has ever been desperate enough to ask the principal for a letter of recommendation."

"Yet, that's our plan B. He's our last chance," Ruby replies just before we all split up.

I make my way through the school, dodging students filling every corner of the corridors. Ruby and I agreed that I would be the one to go to the principal to request the letter of recommendation. We deemed it safer for only one of us to show up in his office, given his irritable temperament and lack of patience. As I move forward, I feel a mixture of apprehension and determination, aware that this meeting could be our last chance to succeed in our plan.

I advance through a less crowded corridor, where the noise of students is less audible. Suddenly, before I can even react, a firm hand grabs my arm and pulls me forcefully into a secluded room. The force of the person is such that I already feel a throbbing pain in my arm, while my bag, initially on my shoulder, crashes heavily to the ground with a dull thud. The person, whose identity I still ignore, pushes me forcefully into the room, then closes the door behind them, releasing me. As I gather my wits, I turn to face them, my gaze filled with anger and confusion.

"We're going to renegotiate everything," declares that damn James Beaufort seriously.

I see him advancing towards me, his steps echoing in the room, while I glare at him with darkness and incredulity. My hand instinctively goes to my arm, where the pain is slowly fading, but the tension persists in the air.

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