Chapter 3

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Four hours later

"Thank you very much, Mr

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"Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. You have been a great help. I am sure the gala will be a great success thanks to you."

"My pleasure, Miss Martin. We are delighted to be part of this event. See you soon, then."

"See you soon!"

I hang up, brushing a lock of hair away from my eyes and placing a hand on my right hip, before exhaling with relief.

I had spent ten minutes trying to reach the caterer who will be handling the buffet and service for tomorrow's party, and the last fifteen minutes ensuring everything was ready. This call was the last detail to check to be certain that everything would be perfect.

I re-enter the school and quicken my pace to rejoin my team, whom I had to leave in Ruby's hands for a few minutes. As I cross the hall, the memory of what we discovered in Mr. Sutton's office haunts me. Although Lydia is a distant figure from my past and our paths have diverged, I can't help but wonder about the circumstances that led her to such a situation. Knowing her intelligence and insight, I am troubled by the apparent disappearance of her reason.

Upon entering the meeting room, a heavy silence has settled among the committee members. When I left them, they were in lively discussion. Now, they seem stunned, frozen like statues.

"What's going on? Where's Ruby?" I ask, worried as I see their livid faces and Ruby's absence, who was never late.

The looks turn to me, and Lin, visibly troubled, approaches to speak to me. "Olivia, it's about James Beaufort..."

My stomach knots at this mention. James Beaufort, this enigmatic man who left my life as suddenly as he entered it. "What's going on with James?"

Lin hesitates for a moment before answering, choosing her words carefully, as if each syllable weighs a ton. "He came here, Olivia. He was looking for you."

My heart skips a beat and seems to stop for a few microseconds. My breathing accelerates, thousands of questions swirling in my head, swirling in uncontrollable chaos. Why did he want to talk to me? After all this time, why now? Anxiety rises within me, every second of silence making the atmosphere more oppressive.

I scan the faces around me, finding curious and slightly envious looks from a few girls who, judging by their disgusted expressions, would like to be in my place right now, a place I would gladly give them, if I had the choice. "And Ruby?" I ask, my voice barely more than a whisper.

Lin takes a deep breath before answering. "Since you weren't here, he asked her to follow him. They left down the hallway."

I furrow my brows, perplexed by James's sudden reappearance in my life after years of avoidance. Why would he bother to find me now, and what prompts him to take Ruby aside to talk? These questions whirl in my mind, fueling my concerns and awakening my distrust of his intentions.

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