JOOST:I dropped her off at home and politely gave her bag back. Or well, my private driver dropped her off at home because I don't have a driver's license yet.
I got out and gave her a kiss on the cheek and I waited until she went into her house.
When I got home I was waiting for a less pleasant surprise. The lock of the front door did not open like how I had left it and when I walked into the hallway I saw Appie's shoes.
"Ap??" I asked.
I opened the door between the hallway to the living room and the kitchen area.
Appie was watching TV on my couch at 2 am.
When he saw me he put the popcorn box back on the table and turned the TV down a bit.
"Hey man, you thought you was going to spend the night with Joost?" I said.Appie started laughing and accidentally dropped the remote control on the floor.
"Telllll me, I want you to tell me everything about your date." He started to put on his weird voice again and I burst out laughing."It's not my date."
"Yes, why did you tell her 'I'm taking you with me tonight'?" He made a smart-aleck gesture and then patted the couch and motioned for me to sit down.
I walked to the couch and sat next to Appie, he hugged me and I laid my head on his chest.
"Do you like her?" Appie asked.
We stopped giving each other friendly love and now looked at each other seriously.
"How do I know if I like her?" I asked in a concerned voice. "I don't know such things at all."
Appie pulled his hand and started counting on his hand while talking:
"1, you are concerned about her,
2, you think about her
3, You don't want her to be angry
4, You come up with new ideas to see her
And finally 5!, Maybe try to steal a kiss?." Appie made a kissing sound and came towards me with his pursed lips."Ew bro, enough now, done now." I said with a smile.
"Yes, but it is true Joost."
"Yes, but what if she doesn't like me?"
"So you like her?"
"I'm not saying that Appie."
"You say 'what if' so I caught you."
Appie and I both looked at each other with wide eyes, out of wantonness. I can never be serious with Appie, but he always comes up with hard facts, the facts that I usually don't see.
"Okay maybe I like her a little." I made a thin space with my fingers to indicate a little.
"Hmm, a bit too bad." he replied.
"Yes, a bit very bad." I pouted my lips but I felt my eyes start to smile when I thought of Mara."What's her name anyway?" "Your girlfriend."
"She's not my girlfriend yet and her name is Mara." I started laughing when I said her name.
"Oh my god, you even blush when you say her name." My boy is in love!" He said dramatically and I could now feel my cheeks getting genuinely red and warm.
"Hey Ap? Do you mind if I go to sleep, you can just lie here on the couch if you want to stay.." I'm exhausted." I stretch my arms above my head to show that I am really tired.
"Yes, that's fine, I'll turn the TV down a bit for you Loverboy." Appie winked at me and made a clicking sound with his mouth.
"Hahaha, stop being so scary or I'll start dreaming about you." I got up from the couch and walked towards the bedroom door with my phone in my hand, which I had just taken out of my jacket.
"I think you're going to dream about Maria or uh Mara." "I have no business in your dreams anymore, I am a thing of the past." He chuckled to himself and I threw the couch pillow at his head.
I opened my bedroom door and ran in before Appie could throw the pillow back at me. Behind the door I shouted "GOOD NIGHT" very loudly and quickly jumped into bed.
I took off my pants and t-shirt in bed and put my phone next to my pillow so I could use it that way. I put the blanket over me and grabbed my phone.
I turned on my phone and saw all kinds of notifications from Instagram.
I look up in surprise and see that @MA_JR wants to send me a message via DM.
I knew immediately that this was Mara because I had looked her up before, and within less than a second I had accepted her message request.I read her message carefully:
Good night Joost <3, thanks for this great evening. And yes, I definitely want to see you again... Don't worry.I immediately typed back:
So yes? Just think about what you want to do tomorrow then x Good night.I giggled and threw my phone away from me. I fell asleep full of enthusiasm.

Joost And me
General FictionA fanfiction about Joost Klein. Mara goes to a Joost Klein concert with her best friend Mia. All kinds of things happen here and from one moment to the next she comes face to face with Joost. Does he have something to do with her? And why? Mara is j...