a day to remember

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a/n: New chapter enjoy

Once, the four made their way to the night club Y/n was amazed at how amazing it was while Cherri chuckled she lifted her left finger and slowly closed his mouth, causing him to look at her as she gave him a grin.

Cherri: Come on! let's have some fun!

Y/n: You know you remind me a lot of Harley Quinn.

Cherri smiles.

Cherri: I'll take that as a compliment since me and I use a lot of explosives when it comes to fightin! 

When they entered the building Y/n noticed some of the demons looking at him funny while Cherri dragged him by a table as others were dancing to the music But the demons were cool enough for Y/n to be here vortex and Bee went to do their own thing, Y/n takes a deep breath looking around as the everyone was having fun once Y/n sits down he and Cherri both started to talk about themselves since he wanted to get to know her more. Cherri felt bad for him since his parents made a deal with a demon that he's stuck here unless something weird happens But Y/n was cool to be with.

Cherri: Fuck you had a rough life from Chicago to the real hell.  

Y/n: Eh, This going to be weird but I'm just getting used to the weirdness I know it would probably take like a normal human to get used to it but, well I'm already used to it.

Cherri smirks then gives a slide grin.

Cherri: Yeah, I know, Boy I wish I had a camera to see your first reaction when you arrived here it would have been the best you screaming like a girl.

Y/n playfully elbows Cherri's arm with a smirk of his own.

Y/n: Hey, I fought beside you during that whole egg incident.

Cherri: True, got to say not bad for a human and a newbie in hell. plus you've still got that fighting spirit in you so!

Y/n: Eh you an angel did most of the fighting I was just the support.

Cherri pats Y/n on the back smirking at him getting his hopes back up sat down next to him while the music was playing in the background they were both tapping to it

Cherri: Hey, a fight is a fight doesn't matter if you were a support or not I liked the backup.

Just then a waitress came by and asked them for their order y/n was curious about what kind of beer they've got down here for him to order since he is still new down here to know what to order when someone goes to stuff like this.

Y/n: What do you normally get?

Cherri: Oh the hard stuff.

They order their drinks, then chat some more getting to know each other Y/n isn't the only one who is curious, Cherri is more curious about him due to seeing something that he wasn't like most guys she runs into, well they just wanted to have sex.  Cherri was bored for a few seconds sees dancers well dancing to the music and got a good idea

Cherri: Okay, big shot let's dance.

Before Y/n could say anything Cherri dragged Y/n onto the dance floor and started dancing Y/n saw her hips moving side to side making him look the other way and joining her dancing due to the fact he didn't want to know a human pervert of hell, Cherri bomb noticed this smirks making him think she didn't catch him staring at her after getting into that limo.

Cherri: Come on..  don't be like that. I wouldn't mind you peeking at my chest~

Y/n madly blushes while Cherri starts to tease him if she was being honest she was starting to like him more than she normally did when they first met and fought together. Y/n smirks shaking off the blush grabbed her by the waist making her blush spin her around. than catches her she looks up at him with a huge grin

The Hazbin Human ( Human male reader x Cherri  Bomb) +18Where stories live. Discover now