Radio killed the video star part 2

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a/n: new chapter enjoy.

Y/n made it to the spot where Cherri bomb told him to meet he was lost at first but managed to find his way around the place when he sees her leaning over a ledge he smirks walks up behind her wrapped his arms around her exposed waist she smirks glancing at him with her one Eye.

Y/n: sorry, I kept you waiting, got lost here due to the fact I'm still new down here.

Cherri kisses him on the lips after she turned around wrapping her arms around his neck which he returned sliding his hands on her ass.

Cherri: ah! No worries mate, I Understand hell is a big place after all, and Once you get use to it you'll remember the place in the back of your head.

Y/n: cool. so what did you need?

Cherri: Oh! Nothing I'm just bored and hey a heard explosion at the hotel what was that about.

Y/n let's go of Cherri they both lean against the ledge.

Y/n: Oh nothing, just that same snake when I first got here attacked us but thankfully the radio demon blew him away.

Cherri chuckles.

Cherri: Nice and what a bad ass that you got a overlord working for you guys. so want to hang out.

Y/n smacks her ass causing her to yelp rubbing it.

Y/n: I'm down for what ever you have in store for us.

Cherri rubbing her butt looks at y/n she pulls him by the collar smirking after he did that.

Cherri: Careful you should know how I like my bad boys.

Y/n squinted his eyes at her smirking after she said bad boys sliding his hands into her skirt feeling her panties.

Y/n: Hand how do you like them.

Cherri lowers her hands to his crotch rubbing it.

Cherri: I like them hard~

Y/n: Oh.. I'm so scared.

Cherri looks at abandoned warehouse smirks at y/n.

Cherri: Oh.. you're going to regret those words babe.

She takes Y/n by the hand as she was starting to feel horny he drags him inside lucky for them this place is abandoned so they are able to use it as there secret hide out. Once they were inside cherri locked the door.

Cherri: Now, we can use this place for a hide out or just to have *puts her hand on his chest trails it down* or fun.

Y/n: I like the sound of that.

Y/n pinned her to the wall making her chuckle He than leans to her lips locking lips with her as she closed one eye returning it rubbing his hands all over her exposed back his tongue entered her mouth letting him explore her mouth they were moaning and groaning.

Y/n: want to get freaky?

cherri: I was wondering when you were going to say that.

short lemons alert.

Y/n flips cherri bomb around putting her chest to the wall she smirks feeling hot as he did this.

Cherri: damn, having you pin me like this makes it hot~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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The Hazbin Human ( Human male reader x Cherri  Bomb) +18Where stories live. Discover now