25. Prizes

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The game went on, and as expected, we didn't make it to the final phase, ending up as the second runners-up. We got off the stage and stood there, unsure of what to do next. I couldn't just offer Itachi to join our table, knowing Kakashi might not appreciate it.

"When are you leaving?" Itachi asked.

"Already talking about leaving? Why? Don't you want to stay?" I replied.

"These events are tiresome, and I don't have anyone here to spend time with. Judging from everything, you'll probably join Kakashi-san and, if I'm not wrong, Asuma-san and Kurenai-san are also seated there. I don't want to be a bother. Are you staying?"

"I have to. I'm here with Kakashi and can't leave without him," I said, trailing off.

"I'll leave then," Itachi said, smiling softly at me. I felt bad letting him go like this.

"Oh no, why are you leaving so soon?" A hand found its way around my arm, holding me close. "Join our table," it was Kakashi. His offer came out of the blue as Itachi turned to him. "We can pull out an extra chair for you. Join us, and later we will be going for a little clubbing too. Y/n missed out on a lot, so we need to make sure she doesn't anymore," he said, almost glaring at me.

He eye-smiled as our eyes met. "I've been to clubs," I defended myself as he shrugged.

"Let's see," he said, caressing my arm. He faced Itachi. "So what do you say?"

"I don't mind," Itachi said, causing my face to light up. We made our way to the table and took our seats, with Itachi on my right and Kakashi on my left.

It was awkward.

I pursed my lips as the two sat there quietly. Kakashi half-heartedly paid attention to the game going on, while Itachi just stared down at his hands. Time seemed to drag on, and I was stuck in the middle of the awkwardness, unsure of how long it would last.

"How's everything so far? Do you like it?" Itachi asked, breaking the silence.

"I'm surprisingly enjoying it," I replied, not sure how to keep the conversation going.

"Well, Itachi, you're normally not at these types of events. How come you're here this year?" Kakashi added, finally turning his attention to the table.

Itachi took a moment before answering. "It's not the same every year. This year felt different, so I decided to drop by, and I wasn't wrong," he said as I nodded in acknowledgment.

"Time changes a lot. Glad you decided to come by and stay," I said, staring at him. He looked captivating in his shirt, too good in formals. I turned away, sighing quietly.

The game soon ended with Asuma and Kurenai winning, as expected. They received their prizes, and then Itachi and I were called on stage. I glanced at Itachi, seeing him already getting up from his chair. I followed as he waited to walk with me.

We got onstage and were congratulated for being third. It was surprising how we had zero idea about each other and yet got so far. On top of that, we weren't even romantically involved, just two strangers who met two months before this event.

We watched the first couple receive their award, a vacation to the springs. We applauded their win and waited for our turn. The second couple received gift hampers.

"What are we going to get?" I whispered to Itachi from the side.

"What do you want?" he asked, looking down at me and locking eyes.

I thought for a moment, humming. "A vacation, honestly, but who's going to come with me?" I said, trailing off with a restrained laugh.

"Why? Me, obviously," Itachi said, catching me off guard.

I raised my eyebrow at him.

"And for third place, matching clothes and other items! Rookie love needs rookie stage items!" Anko joked as we were called to the middle. We received the prize, and Iruka smiled at us. "We haven't spoken yet, but it's really nice to meet you. Looking forward to getting to know you better," he said, shaking our hands.

"Same here," I replied.

We got off the stage with the others, leaving the hosts behind. Kakashi stood up from his chair and congratulated us.

"Our table won so much," Kurenai remarked, making me smile.

"Itachi has so much within him. I almost fell for his answers," Asuma said sarcastically, embarrassing Itachi as he cleared his throat and looked away.

I walked over to my chair and sat down. "Are you tired?" Kakashi asked, his eyes keenly on me.

"Not really," I answered, placing the dress on the table.

"Let me steal it from you," Kakashi said, snatching the tee away. I didn't bother to take it back and watched him remove the cover from the cloth. I rested my cheek against my knuckle as he examined the pink fabric.

"It's a spider web, but in white."

"The style is nice. Wear it, you'll look good in it," I said, glancing at the prize I won. There were keychains and mugs.

"Do you want mine?" Itachi asked, offering his tee shirt.

"Nope! Keep it for yourself. It'll suit you better," I said, smiling.

"Oh look, we have a couple at the table," Kurenai said, smirking at Kakashi and Itachi. They glanced at each other briefly before setting the tees on the table and sliding them away from themselves.

I shook my head and took the tees away. "They're mine now," I said, keeping them on my lap.

"Hello again," a familiar voice said, making everyone turn. "I'm really curious about what those tees look like..." The guy from the entrance joined us, eyeing the t-shirts.

I held them up. "Yeah, those," he said, coming up behind Kakashi and then reaching me.

"No one wanted these? Let me take one!" he said, taking Itachi's tee. "Would I look good in this?" he asked, leaning against the table and looking down at me.

"I guess you will," I said, surprised at how easily he picked up the conversation.

"Oh right, I didn't introduce myself yet. Obito Uchiha here," he said, smiling down at me as I nodded with a smile. "Kakashi's old friend."

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