33. Rain, dance.

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I was distracted, unable to concentrate on the task in front of me. The deadline loomed today, especially since I was planning to take a leave for the wedding. The stack of patient reports I had to diagnose felt overwhelming. Being a rookie, currently working as a nurse, meant I also had assignments to complete.

With only two reports left and an hour and a half remaining, I was grateful I had managed to finish the others earlier. It had been such an unproductive day; all I did was wander around aimlessly, losing focus and zoning out.

Itachi was supposed to return this evening, but it seemed like he might be delayed, possibly caught up in some trouble. It was always worrisome when they were out on missions. Even though they were both strong, bad luck doesn't wait for an invitation.

I scribbled down whatever I could, not overly concerned with accuracy. I just wanted to escape the stifling feeling inside. It turns out that shutting off your mind can speed up the work. I gathered the completed papers and packed my bag, ready to leave for the weekend.

After handing in the reports, my shift ended. Eager to get out, I almost ran out of the building. The chill of the outside air surprised me at first, but the raindrops on my face quickly made me realize it was raining. I hesitated for a moment, debating whether I wanted to get soaked.

But the answer was simple—I loved the rain. I dashed through the gates and stood there, letting the rain wash over me for a few moments. I closed my eyes and took in the earthy scent. It was freezing, but the sensation was refreshing. I wouldn't mind catching a cold for this; it was worth it.

Suddenly, I felt someone grab my hand and pull me toward them. I softly collided with their body, startled by the sudden move. The person smiled at me, "Hello there."

"Obito!" I exclaimed with a laugh, "You scared me." He slowly released me but kept a gentle hold on my hand.

"You’re supposed to enjoy the rain by dancing," he teased, pulling me closer again and guiding me through some steps I wouldn't have managed without his lead. We moved together, our laughter mixing with the sound of the rain as we danced, getting completely drenched.

Soon I got a hang of the steps and good smooth with the movements as he hummed a song that went well with the moves. Somehow, in between, I did slip on the mud but Obito's strong grip around me assured me that I won't be falling no matter what.

While we were caught up in our dance, another figure quietly approached. Obito noticed him first and remarked, "At least he’s not like Kakashi."

"Hmm?" I turned to see who he was talking about. Standing there with an umbrella, wearing a warm, inviting smile, was Itachi. A shy smile spread across my face as I stopped dancing.

"You dance wonderfully, Y/n," Itachi complimented, giving a small round of applause. I quickly grabbed my bag from the ground and walked over to him.

"That was all Obito’s doing. I’m not really that good," I confessed, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Itachi shook his head gently. "No, it was all you. I could see it." He pulled me under the umbrella, shielding me from the rain while getting wet himself. I moved closer to make sure he was covered too.

"I'm already soaked, Itachi. You don’t need to get wet as well," I said, my concern evident in my voice. He didn’t say anything immediately, just watched me with a calm expression. When our eyes met, he smiled, and a quiet warmth settled between us.

"Let's go home," Itachi said softly, and I nodded, momentarily forgetting about Obito. But Obito quickly reminded us of his presence.

"I feel like the second male lead in a drama, left to get soaked in the rain while the main characters have their romantic moment. Tragic, really," he said with exaggerated sadness. I turned to look at him, feeling a little guilty. "Or is it too early to call it that?"

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