35. Agh. Obito.

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The day was some hours away. My so-called big day. I should be excited, thrilled or even happy but emotions that I can right now make out were empty, upset, nervous and burdensome.

Nothing could help me-

"Mrs. Uchiha!" Or maybe I thought so. It was Obito. He waved towards me with a smile when I faced him. The way he addressed made me feel weird but I forced the smile anyways. "That's a scary smile,"

I glared at him as he settled down beside without asking for permission. "What a rude remark."

"I thought we were friends!" He gasped.

"We've met like 4 times,"

He nodded. I sighed, knowing he won't be understanding anything I say if it's not something he wants to.

"So tell me bride to be, how does it feel to be Itachi's?"

"We are not married yet," I said bluntly, making him pause for some time.

"Ah, one sided love." He blurted out, going in with the soda can that was with him. "You really can't have everything, right? Itachi is so brilliant and an amazing man but marrying someone who doesn't love him back. Why get married then?"

"I wish I knew why too. I know I sound like an asshole but I'm not attracted to anyone and I don't know why," I confessed, feeling lighter now that I expressed how I truly felt.

"Marriage is a huge commitment do you realise that?"

"I do."

"So there must have been something that made you want to marry him," Yeah, his sickness and for the sake of the village I shouldn't be caring for.

"There is but definitely not enough to tie the knots."

I hear Obito sigh out dramatically. "Do you know sex can help generate feelings?"


"I'm gonna act like I didn't hear tha—"

"You heard me loud and clear." He said, nodding in agreement.

"So what? You want me to go around and have it while having a husband?"

"You're so naive and hilarious at the same time. You have a Husband to do it with! Use your brain,"

He was taking the marriage too seriously. There's no feelings attached from any side. Just a sacrifice made to save the conflict. No one knew about it. Just the higher ups, Itachi and I.

"I don't want to engage in such-"

"Boo.. Such a party popper. Bro, that's what makes anyone happy! At least for Itachi's sake, let it happen."

"He's not like that..."

He scoffed. "Try it tonight."


I wasn’t interested in anything he had to say. Without a second thought, I brushed it off and quickly distanced myself from the nonsense he was spewing.

I headed over to the apartment we were moving into—a gift from Itachi’s parents—to take a look at the newly decorated space, driven by curiosity. As soon as I stepped inside, the inviting scent and serene atmosphere greeted me, causing a smile to spread across my face.

The combination of minimalist and traditional decor was truly impressive. I wandered further to check out the bedroom. Switching on the lights, I was immediately puzzled by what I saw.

The room was softly lit, though the decorative lights were turned off. Delicate sheer curtains framed the bed, creating an elegant and peaceful vibe. But who could have done this? I couldn’t help but wonder. It felt deliberate, yet I hadn’t expected it.

Still confused, I stepped closer to inspect the arrangement, trying to figure out if this was some kind of surprise or if there was a deeper meaning behind it. As I touched the curtains, I felt a strange sense of familiarity, as though someone close to me had been here.

"Y/N..." I spun around, startled by the familiar voice of Itachi.

"You... did all this?" I asked, trying to gauge the emotion behind his expression.

"It was meant to be a surprise—"

My heart started pounding. Was this for the wedding night?

"—and I wanted you to love your room. I hope you like how I decorated it."

"You mean our room?" I clarified, a bit uncertain.

"...Are we sharing a room after marriage?" he asked, completely oblivious, leaving me feeling utterly dumbfounded.

I blinked, trying to process his question. "Of course, we are!" I blurted, feeling a mix of amusement and disbelief. "Isn’t that... normal?"

Itachi scratched the back of his head, looking a bit embarrassed. "I mean, I just thought you might want your own space, too."

I couldn’t help but laugh softly. "Well, I guess we’ll figure that out as we go. But for now, this room is perfect."

He looked relieved, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I’m glad you think so. I really wanted it to feel special for you."

"It does," I reassured him, stepping closer. "Thank you for doing this. It means a lot."

Itachi nodded, his eyes softening. "I want everything to be perfect for us."

We stood there for a moment, the tension easing as the realization hit me—this was really happening. We were starting a new life together, and it felt both surreal and comforting.

"Let’s make it our room," I said quietly, looking up at him with a smile.

He returned the smile, a rare warmth in his eyes. "Our room."

We went through the bedroom, trying to add his details too to the room. But all he could add were his clothes and necessary body and skin care products.

"You sure you don't mind these decors?"

"I did those things because I wanted to," he reassured, sitting beside me on the bed while folding his clothes. I soon joined in, picking up a small black garment to fold. It was small enough to be a—

"Y/n!" He quickly grabbed it back, his face flushing bright red. "Sorry," he said, a little embarrassed by his sudden outburst.

"It's fine. I've folded my brother's underwear a million times," I said, trying to ease the awkwardness.

"I can handle these," he insisted.

I frowned. He never let me do anything for him. I constantly felt like I was falling short compared to him.

"Just have sex, he wants it!" Obito’s voice echoed in my head.

"No way, Obito!" I accidentally said aloud, causing Itachi to look at me, surprised. "Uh... Hi," I stammered awkwardly.

He gave me a small smile. "Hello," he said, eyes glinting before returning to his task.

He always looked so perfect, and people constantly noticed him when we were out together. Even if we married, he’d be the prize in the relationship, while I’d never feel worthy.

I had to do something, even if it meant listening to the worst advice I’d ever gotten.

Without thinking, I moved closer, catching him off guard. His eyes widened slightly, more curious than shocked. "Y/n?"

"Is it okay if..." AGH SAVE ME SOMEONE. "...I kiss you?

The silence stretched. My face was burning with embarrassment. His scent was faint but intoxicating. The awkwardness was overwhelming, and I was about to pull back when he gently grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"Whatever you want," he said softly.

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