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Agape; a selfless, unconditional love; one that persists no matter the circumstances.

"Ugh you disgust me!" Viv screams at her phone. Her black cat energy was truly shining.

"He's such a dipshit, V. But you need to shake him off. Come with me to the track. I won't tell the rest of the group I'm pretty sure they were all headed to Tanners for a Gatho anyway. We can just tell them we're scrapping they won't question it."
I plea with her knowing I need to get her out of my room otherwise we're just going to keep going around in circles of the same conversation.
Yes, her boyfriend is a dipshit for cheating on her.
Yes, he's even more of a dip shit for posting a picture on his Snap story after V dropped him with said girl not 20 min's later with the caption 'yolo'.
Like I said Dip. Shit.
But after making me spend the last 2 weeks in my room because she doesn't want to be at home, because her room reminds her of him.
I'm losing my mind.
I love my best friend, but I am sick of my floral pink walls and need to get out of here. So taking matters into my own hands I send a quick message to the group chat 'OGs' names by Knox meaning the original gang.


Charlie (ME)

V and I are gonna scrap tonight,

We'll see ya'll Friday. Xox

Almost immediately Kieran Black replies.

Pretty sure you girls are avoiding


Then on cue Knox Buller chimes in.

I'll bring the rocky road. I miss

my leading lady. I have my Pj's

and uggs too for our pillow fight.

*Winking tongue out emoji*

I turn to look at V giving her a knowing look as I roll my eyes. Knox has been teasing for years, that he's been in love with V, but he never acts on it. Just a lot of light flirting and screwing around with every other girl that comes his way.
There's no way V would ever get with him at this point even if he was being legit.
The Knox and V train sailed about 6 girls ago. But he still flirts and is super kind and I'm sure is trying to lighten Viv's mood after Steven Davis who I'm now referring to as 'STD'. Although I haven't disclosed my secret nickname with V just yet, it's still to raw.

My brother Lachlan chimes in next.
I'm pretty sure he's out in the shed using the gym with my other brother Shaun. We're triplets but they were both born before me 5 min apart. Then boom I was born 30 min later last
My parents thought they were having twin boys then oops, out I popped at a tiny 5 pounds 2 ounces. They're identical and shared a sac and I was hiding out behind them in the shadow of mums shared womb.

Lachlan in his usual 'no room for discussion' tone fires off.


Step one foot into Phe's room

and I'll push you off the balcony Knox.

We'll be at Tanners text us if you want

Something from Macca's on the way home.

B back @ 12pm.


Whattt! I just wanted to do

scrapbooking in the granny room

as well. Maybe we could get our

brazilians on as well. *Winking face emoji*

Shaun quickly shuts Knox down.


Fuck off Knox the girls don't

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