The First Letter

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Dear Viv,

I miss you.

I have some really cool polaroids for our scrapbook when I get back. Aunty G is really nice besides the reason my dad shipped me half way across the country. Can't blame him that he doesn't know how to handle a teenage daughter without mum. In a way it feels like I inevitably would've ended up here if everything hadn't gone down. I you demanding songs in preference to the mood you're in, plus I'm hopeless at doing my hair without you here I miss your magical fingers that could turn my mane I into a fairy princess crown atop my head, you're braiding skills are unmatched. You'd be proud of my new style. Aunty G took me back to school shopping. I let her have her way picking out my outfits. I decided new country new wardrobe. What do you think is it too drastic a change? If you could see me, you'd laugh so hard. I'm feeling very much like when Blair told Jenny in Gossip Girl that she looked good in black, and you know how well that turned out for Jenny's wardrobe. Gag.

Regardless, you'd flip seeing the guy that lives next door. Jess is very Stephan Salvador coded, super your type my beautiful shark. You'd eat him up like he was your last me on death row. I know he'd absolutely gush over you as well. He wouldn't stop going on about my accent, Aunty G keeps telling me I need to slow down when we're having conversations because I slur all my words together. What can I say, you're the better conversationalist in our soul sister duo.

You'd be so proud of me I've been eating super clean here, organic, fresh. I've been working out a heaps, took up Pilates with Aunty G. It helps me to get to sleep on the bad nights.

I haven't made a single friend yet. I know if you were here, you'd hype me up. We'd rock up fearless next door jumping straight in and joining in with their parties I can frequently see. You'd force them to like us by having me play the piano whilst you belt out the latest hot hit. It is always magnetic the way you can capture a crowd. Or we'd invite ourselves to join in when we see cars all gather then take off to wherever they all spend their days hanging. You'd charm them with fun facts that always catch everyone's interests then next thing you'd have the entire group of guys and gals playing some stupid game or dare or double dare. You just can't resist manipulating people to get out of their comfort zones.

I wish I had you with me. Your confidence and reassuring words would be a great comfort I start the new school on Monday. Do you think I'll fit? Sometime I wonder if I'm losing it lately, like without you, I don't know how to be. Please give me some advice and reassurance that it will get better?

Miss you more than words V,

Your soul sister Phe xo


I had been two weeks since my run in with the three boys and their ball. I took to keeping indoors, playing piano, reading novels, I decided on what classes I was going to be taking. I had video chatted at few times with the guys back home. The time difference wasn't too much of a bother because I'd become a bit of an insomniac so I didn't mind being up at all hours of the night and early morning to catch them in their free time back home. Aunty G and I had a conversation about how I should think about joining a sports team or a club. It reminded me of ice skating and dance I'd left behind. The idea of trying to pick up either sport here didn't spark my interest in the least. I did however not want to let Aunty G down seeing how she really thought I should join something. In the end I mentioned I was quite out of shape and that maybe I should just get back into fitness. So she signed me up to the Pilates studio that she goes to in town. After my first session I realised how much I loved the feeling of exercising. Putting my mind to something that distracted me from my thoughts. I sat down the last Saturday before school start on Monday and wrote a letter to V. I stuffed some polaroids I've taken. One of pool in the backyard, V would love have loved it considering we're basically water bugs in the summer. We begged our parents for mermaid tails on our 10th birthday and we spent the entire summer convincing the guys to join in. The took more to playing water volleyball but it was heaps of fun. I also added in a photo of me wearing mid-thigh jean shorts and a grey band t which was two sizes too big and falling off my shoulders. I can imagine V dancing around the living room wearing belting out Avril Levine. She'd love the outfit and she'd giggle seeing me in a pair of shorts.

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