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Orphic- mysterious and entrancing; beyond ordinary understanding.


I've never particularly enjoyed going to school. I only ever tried to do the bare minimum to keep my GPA in a state that will allow me to get into a college that is far, far away from this town.

My uninterested viewpoint of school completely diminished the moment I saw the rays of sunlight shining from the golden head of hair from the mysterious foreign beauty.

The way she was able to keep rejecting me at every corner literally slamming her door in my face every time I tried to engage. Should've deterred my pursuit. But I felt like a frozen artefact begging to defrost from the vicinity of her flames. I was just about to get up and tell her she could come and sit next to me.

Surly she would want someone to sit next to she was new after all. I'd do anything to smell her salty coconut scent again up close. She looked angelic in her crocheted shirt and Levi jeans with all that golden hair cascading wildly around her face and down the length of her back reaching at the base of her spine.

It called begged me to run my fingers through it. To smell it and know if it held the same heat that radiated from her beautiful heated blue eyes. The same eyes that were staring at me.
Oh shit.
I was staring at her body like some creep halfway out of my seat that I hadn't even notice the entire room had gone quiet when I stood and began staring at Ophelia. She was frozen a look between disgust and horror etched on her face.
Her naturally golden skin had a light red tint that ran over her cheeks and nose. I needed to say something. Why wasn't I saying anything I was frozen staring at her whilst her eyes were looking from me to the empty seat next to me then around the room for any other empty seats.

Shit. Say. Something.
Invite her over. Say her name.
Break the silence.

I opened my mouth but it wasn't my voice that I heard it was Shaun fucking Hates.

"Hey, there's a spot next to me if you like." He waved Ophelia over. I saw red as she waved back at him in the dead silence of the classroom hearing her sandals click clack across the floor.

"G'day I'm Phe. Thanks for letting me sit here. I won't distract you promise." She ducked her head and shielded her beautiful face from the class room with her silky shining hair that caught glimmers of gold as the sun hit it through the window.

She sat in the seat a row in front and off to the side of me. Close enough to hear her speaking to Shaun not close enough to catch her scent.
I was livid, I think smoke may have been coming out of my ears.
I didn't even realise I was still in some weird half standing half crouch position until Cody strode in with an expression of confusion on his face brows furrowed. He looked from me to my stance. Then looked to the teacher and around the room. I saw the moment his eyes landed on the angel in the room.

It was near impossible not to notice her presence. She had a magnetic presence that willed you to look at her the way the sunset calls you at dawn. So beautiful and so mesmerising and every time you looked at it you noticed something different and more beautiful than the time before.
Cody must've crossed the room at some point to take his usual seat next to me but I was too busy listening to the lyrical voice carry on from across the room in front of me conversing with Shaun.

He laughed at Ophelia "You can distract me all you like. I'm not super fond of English I'm more into sports I'm on the basketball team. I'm Shaun by the way. It's nice to meet you Phe. I take it you're not from around here is this your first day?" He held out his hand. He was going to get to touch her before me. To feel what those soft perfect tiny golden hands felt like.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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